I am thinking of doing this for my 15” 2015 MBP.
Is it really worth it? Also, does it void any warranty? I’m more concerned about losing a screw or breaking a cable.
For me it has always been worth it, but I do love tinkering with electronics, so much of it also comes from seeing the engineering and production quality of the machine, seeing the though which have gone into everything. I am actually not entirely sure on warranty, I have heard different things, some claim it does not, some claims it does. I just take a carefull approach, put aside plenty of time and make sure I have space, good light and good tools. There is nothing to indicate you have been in there unless you really leve a mark, destroy a component or something like that. Warranty is also depending on your country, apple might have some guidelines which they normally adhere to, but some countries have more strict rules, apple have been known to try to refer to their international guideline in such cases (so have other), but standing firm normally makes them honer country specific rules.
Dont be concerned about loosing a screw, make sure you have a lot of space around you, use a tear down guide and just place out component in the same position you took them from following the guide. With cables, be care full, make sure you know which locking mechanism it is using, and then you should be fine. The generally is not as flimsy as you might think they are.
But my best recommendation is to have plenty of time, take it slow, make sure to take a break and get something to drink and eat, and have some good tools.
[doublepost=1531571658][/doublepost]I was actually using my 2012 rMBP for the first time in a while yesterday and it was running hot. 60 degrees celcius at idle connected to a external monitor. So I will do a re-paste in a weeks time. So if any one have questions to it feel free to ask me anything and I will see what I can do.