So my AW6 (titanium if it matters) has just now (or recently, I don’t check that often) has started to indicate a battery health of 78%. I preordered the watch as soon as it was possible and have had it more or less since release day.
I have noticed a noticable decline in battery time for the last 2-3 months. With that said a normal day without exercise I still get more than 24 h of battery time out of the watch (I wear it when I sleep). When I exercise I throw it in the charger while showering and getting changed so I have no troubles getting through the day. Most noticable performance degredation is when I go phoneless for a couple of hours, this drains the battery faster now compared to when it was fresh and I do not get that many hours when away from the phone.
I’ve been tempted by the AWU and now I’m at a crossroad. Should I send the AW6 to apple for a battery replacement, costing me about 10% of the cost of a AWU. Or should I hold out until September and instead get a (presumed) AWU2.
Of course the financially sound decision would be to just get the battery replaced, specially considering I have the titanium edition AW6 (If I had the standard non LTE AW6 this would not be a discussion if the battery replacement cost would be the same since it was so much ceaper than the edition). With that said, my economy does allow for me to buy a AWU with no adverse effects.
So this comes down to ”feels”.
How would you guys/girls reason in this situation.
I have noticed a noticable decline in battery time for the last 2-3 months. With that said a normal day without exercise I still get more than 24 h of battery time out of the watch (I wear it when I sleep). When I exercise I throw it in the charger while showering and getting changed so I have no troubles getting through the day. Most noticable performance degredation is when I go phoneless for a couple of hours, this drains the battery faster now compared to when it was fresh and I do not get that many hours when away from the phone.
I’ve been tempted by the AWU and now I’m at a crossroad. Should I send the AW6 to apple for a battery replacement, costing me about 10% of the cost of a AWU. Or should I hold out until September and instead get a (presumed) AWU2.
Of course the financially sound decision would be to just get the battery replaced, specially considering I have the titanium edition AW6 (If I had the standard non LTE AW6 this would not be a discussion if the battery replacement cost would be the same since it was so much ceaper than the edition). With that said, my economy does allow for me to buy a AWU with no adverse effects.
So this comes down to ”feels”.
How would you guys/girls reason in this situation.