Lightroom is probably the number one product in this category.
Capture One
Photo Mechanic is another choice
I've looked hard at Capture One and LR, but I'm still (Gasp!) using Aperture.
My photography isn't for a business - purely my own family collection- so I believe I have time on my side without the pressures of updated software so until I'm done organizing my collection from the past to now, I'm sticking with AP.
Or, until AP stops working with Mac OS...whichever comes 1st. Once I'm done organizing, then I'll make a decision. Capture1 isn't cheap, but I do like owning the software unlike LR which is, for the most part, subscription based.
Hopefully Photos will be updated to catch up to what AP can do. Keywording is huge for me. Also is the involvement of videos. I'm looking for an all-inclusive way to house my movie files too instead of having photos in 1 app and home videos in iTunes. All comes down to a real anal retentive desire to have my photos/videos in chronological order. Crazy because I'm not like that with much of anything else lol
Hope you find a solution!
btw, I don't work for this company, but used this trial and might end up buying it. Not cheap, but wow...does a fantastic job of taking various folders and compiling into one. You can have it automatically name and organize files. Just crazy how it works.
I used it to partially (limits of trial) to take a folder from my old Canon handheld camera, plus a few older iPhone/iPad folders* to sort into 1. It will analyze files and not copy duplicates! I also had it create a folder structure much like I have for Aperture (year - month - day). You can have it name moments as well.
NOT a photo viewer by any means, but one heckuva file organizing which can form the base for importing into any program.