Just moved from a 2016 13" MBP as my full-time/everywhere computer (via 2 x external screens and a TB3 dock at home), to a 2018 MacMini @ home and the 13" MBP for everywhere else. It works pretty well for me. I may still be riding the high of the new MacMini and trading one-computer-for-everything small difficulties for two-computers small difficulties but for now I like it. I use GoogleDrive, OneDrive, and iCloud to sync everything. Yes, they are all different services but they basically 'just work' and all my data is always available on both computers.
I purchase most (but not all) apps via the AppStore and most (but not all) are downloadable onto more that one device so that makes it relatively simple to keep both computers running the same software. One thing I've noticed is all my little tweaks (keyboard shortcurts, finder settings, backgrounds, individual app settings, etc etc) are different on the new machine and managing all them across two machines is a small nuisance but that is about the same amount of PITA as dealing with the 13" MBP being plugged in and unplugged every day. As a matter of fact, I'd say it's better now. The 13" MBP just didn't like being plugged in and unplugged a bunch, it would relatively routinely freeze, lock up, screw up an app, etc and I was always restarting it just to clear up problems. Now I just switch to the necessary device and it works.
FWIW I tried the laptop @ home and iPad for travel thing but as much as Apple wants it to be the iPad is not a MacBook replacement yet. It never worked for me.