Apparently a TAIG partner ("3K assistant") divulged that a 9.2 jailbreak is on the horizon.
Here is the quote via Google Translate:
Apparently a TAIG partner ("3K assistant") divulged that a 9.2 jailbreak is on the horizon.
Here is the quote via Google Translate:
“It has been 8 days since iOS 9.2 has been officially released. In those 8 days, 3K Assistant has been industrious on iOS 9.2 jailbreak. Our effort was rewarded, after 8 days of hard work, 3K Assistant has finally made some breakthrough on iOS 9.2.
Although iOS 9.2 is yet completely jailbroken, I believe in the very near future, iOS 9.2 untethered jailbreak will be presented to all of you. Jailbreakers please be patient in waiting and expecting.”