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Nabeel Bana

macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014
Hello all,

I just wanted to please request if someone can please provide me tips on how to handle, take care and prolong the iPhone 5S sleep/wake button from sinking in?

For example, I put my iPhone 5S in my jeans with the sleep/wake button facing up and the lightning connector port down. Throughout the day, my iPhone 5S would switch postions and dangle around in my jeans. Today, when I pulled my iPhone 5S out of my jeans, my iPhone 5S was upside down with the sleep/wake button facing down.

Would that affect my iPhone 5S's sleep/wake button? Do you think that my iPhone 5S sleep/wake button will sink in because of this?

I would really appreciate the comments, quotes and replies.

Thank you and best regards.

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
I've had three iPhones since 2007, and have never had this issue. Most of the sleep buttons get jammed due to wear and tear caused by pressing too hard, or whatever else people do.

Enjoy your phone and don't think too much about it. You can either get the AppleCare extension if you're that worried, or pay for the out of warranty replacement if something does happen afterwards.

The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
I put my phone in my pocket with the sleep/wake button down every time:eek: you have nothing to worry about it won't sink in :)


macrumors 68020
Oct 21, 2013
I wouldnt worry about how you put your phone in your pocket, but if you are really worried about it and can jailbreak and use an alternate method to lock your phone.

Nabeel Bana

macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014
I've had three iPhones since 2007, and have never had this issue. Most of the sleep buttons get jammed due to wear and tear caused by pressing too hard, or whatever else people do.

Enjoy your phone and don't think too much about it. You can either get the AppleCare extension if you're that worried, or pay for the out of warranty replacement if something does happen afterwards.

Thank you for your reply Jessica Lares. I understand. My previous iPhone 5 sleep/wake button was sinking in due to it being in a case and being overused. It's just hard for me to not think about it, even though it is just a device. I want it to be perfect as possible and I am trying to keep it perfect as possible. Thank you once again for your response ma'am.


I put my phone in my pocket with the sleep/wake button down every time:eek: you have nothing to worry about it won't sink in :)

Thank you for your reply The Doctor11. It's just that I have just recently bought my iPhone 5S and I am trying to keep it as perfect as possible. Every little thing that I do wrong to it makes me feel like I am damaging it. Thank you once again for your reply The Doctor11.


I wouldnt worry about how you put your phone in your pocket, but if you are really worried about it and can jailbreak and use an alternate method to lock your phone.

Thank you for your reply carjakester. It's just that I have just recently purchased my iPhone 5S and I want it to be perfect as possible. I am trying to keep it as perfect as possible. I do not prefer jailbreak. I use the assist touch screen buttons to lock my iPhone 5S. Thank you once again for your response carjakester.

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
Thank you for your reply Jessica Lares. I understand. My previous iPhone 5 sleep/wake button was sinking in due to it being in a case and being overused. It's just hard for me to not think about it, even though it is just a device. I want it to be perfect as possible and I am trying to keep it perfect as possible. Thank you once again for your response ma'am.

You're welcome.

Now that you talk about cases, I think most of them do a really bad job at the power button area. They either make it easy for dust and other junk to get around it, or they cover it and provide a poor mechanism of their own.

My current SwitchEasy on my iPod Touch has really hard to push buttons for instance. My Incipio on the other hand, has that whole opening at the top.

But you really don't want that whole opening, especially now since the headphone jack is at the bottom.

Nabeel Bana

macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014
You're welcome.

Now that you talk about cases, I think most of them do a really bad job at the power button area. They either make it easy for dust and other junk to get around it, or they cover it and provide a poor mechanism of their own.

My current SwitchEasy on my iPod Touch has really hard to push buttons for instance. My Incipio on the other hand, has that whole opening at the top.

But you really don't want that whole opening, especially now since the headphone jack is at the bottom.

I understand. Which iPhone 5S case would you recommend? I really don't like putting cases on my iPhones due to most damages and problem occur inside the case rather than outside the case. That is why I am currently using no case and just using front and back protectors. What do you think?

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
I understand. Which iPhone 5S case would you recommend? I really don't like putting cases on my iPhones due to most damages and problem occur inside the case rather than outside the case. That is why I am currently using no case and just using front and back protectors. What do you think?

Have you thought about something like the Invisible Shield by ZAGG? Seems like you're not worried about drops so much, just wear and tear?

Other people here would know better about minimal cases and the stickers you can get instead. I tend to just buy a case the day I get my device and don't think about it ever again.

Nabeel Bana

macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014
Have you thought about something like the Invisible Shield by ZAGG? Seems like you're not worried about drops so much, just wear and tear?

Other people here would know better about minimal cases and the stickers you can get instead. I tend to just buy a case the day I get my device and don't think about it ever again.

I have not though about that. I am really now worries about drops since I try to be as careful as I can be with it. I am just really worried about overusing the buttons and not sinking them with everyday use.

Yes I understand. It is based on people's preferences. That's a good idea.


macrumors 68020
Oct 21, 2013
Thank you for your reply carjakester. It's just that I have just recently purchased my iPhone 5S and I want it to be perfect as possible. I am trying to keep it as perfect as possible. I do not prefer jailbreak. I use the assist touch screen buttons to lock my iPhone 5S. Thank you once again for your response carjakester.

The phone was designed to be used. Its like buying a car and trying to find a way to get inside because you dont want to open the door and wear the hinges out. If you are worried about it breaking id suggest getting applecare.


macrumors regular
Aug 3, 2013
The phone was designed to be used. Its like buying a car and trying to find a way to get inside because you dont want to open the door and wear the hinges out. If you are worried about it breaking id suggest getting applecare.

If he's really worried about breaking it, he should 1) turn it back in for a cheaper phone he can either throw away on a regular basis or upgrade to the next cheaper model every six months or so or 2) buy a bottle of quality bourbon.:eek:

BTW ... I like the simile to the new car door hinges.

Nabeel Bana

macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014
The phone was designed to be used. Its like buying a car and trying to find a way to get inside because you dont want to open the door and wear the hinges out. If you are worried about it breaking id suggest getting applecare.

I understand carjakester. It is just that I am trying to keep it in mint and pristine condition. For example, just like how trading cards are meant to be kept. I feel as if the phone will wear over time due to it being overused. Focusing solely on the physical buttons. Do you understand what I am trying to convey carjakester?


If he's really worried about breaking it, he should 1) turn it back in for a cheaper phone he can either throw away on a regular basis or upgrade to the next cheaper model every six months or so or 2) buy a bottle of quality bourbon.:eek:

BTW ... I like the simile to the new car door hinges.

Thank you for your response magilla. I am not worried about breaking it all. I am worried about the fact of overusing to a point that it close to almost breaking. If that makes any sense? I am a bit of a perfectionist and I tend to keep my things as perfect as I can. I feel as if the phone will eventually wear and tear over time but, I might be forcing it sooner. Are you understanding what I am trying to convey?


macrumors 68020
Oct 21, 2013
I understand carjakester. It is just that I am trying to keep it in mint and pristine condition. For example, just like how trading cards are meant to be kept. I feel as if the phone will wear over time due to it being overused. Focusing solely on the physical buttons. Do you understand what I am trying to convey carjakester?

yes but you realize it is a phone, a trading card sits in a case and isn't used as much as a phone would. your phone is going to get dropped, scratched and it will wear over time. the sooner you accept that the better. you can put it in an otter box to keep it in the best possible condition if thats what you would like.


macrumors regular
Aug 3, 2013
I understand carjakester. It is just that I am trying to keep it in mint and pristine condition. For example, just like how trading cards are meant to be kept. I feel as if the phone will wear over time due to it being overused. Focusing solely on the physical buttons. Do you understand what I am trying to convey carjakester?


Thank you for your response magilla. I am not worried about breaking it all. I am worried about the fact of overusing to a point that it close to almost breaking. If that makes any sense? I am a bit of a perfectionist and I tend to keep my things as perfect as I can. I feel as if the phone will eventually wear and tear over time but, I might be forcing it sooner. Are you understanding what I am trying to convey?

Why in the name of all that's Holy are you trying to trying to keep it "pristine?" Are you thinking of it's "trade-in value" - that maybe, sometime in the future when/if you go to get a newer phone, you can trade this one in and that if it's in "mint" condition it will garner a better price?

Your reasonings in ALL your postings (not just this one) befuddles me. You keep saying time and again that "...[you're] a bit of a perfectionist and I tend to keep my things as perfect as I can." They're TOOLS meant to be used to an end, in this case, communications & enjoyment. If you don't USE them, sure, they'll look pristine and unused but, to what end? You might as well buy two of everything and put one away just to keep it looking pristine.

The "...MIGHT (my emphasis) be forcing it sooner" line of reasoning is equally false logic. EVERYTHING in the universe breaks down - it's called the law of Entropy. Things made by man will break no matter how well they're made. But to be reduced to a quivering mass afraid to push a button for fear that there may only be 100,000 button pushes built in and that, in doing so, you advance yourself ever closer to that 100,000 mark is just well, nonsensical. Do you honestly think that some person in China said that "Today, of the 1,000s of push buttons I'm going to make, THIS one I'll mess up so some guy somewhere in the world will get an iPhone whose sleep/off button will fail @ 99,999 cycles instead of 100,000."?

Maybe a different simile will work on you. If you buy an axe (with the intent on chopping wood) why would you worry about if you get some scratches on the head of the axe? It's going to accumulate scratches as a part of normal "wear and tear". If you fear getting it scratched, why did you buy the axe in the first place?:eek:

Sure, keep your phone neat as possible. Keep it clean. Don't get jelly fingerprints all over it. Don't dunk it in water and expect it to work. But don't go so far in your phobias as to fear using the thing or else it's just not going to be any use to you. You bought the phone to be USED so USE it.

In short ... get a life. Worry about the things you CAN control and what truly impact your life and you'll be a lot happier.:)

Nabeel Bana

macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014
yes but you realize it is a phone, a trading card sits in a case and isn't used as much as a phone would. your phone is going to get dropped, scratched and it will wear over time. the sooner you accept that the better. you can put it in an otter box to keep it in the best possible condition if thats what you would like.

I do realize that. My phone does not sit in a case and I don't use it often. I just use it for calling and text messaging. I understand that but, I am trying to prevent that as much as I can. I have accepted but, I am trying very hard for that not to happen. I understand. However, I do not like the Otterbox. I prefer just to keep my phone without a case. Thank you for your reply carjakester.


Why in the name of all that's Holy are you trying to trying to keep it "pristine?" Are you thinking of it's "trade-in value" - that maybe, sometime in the future when/if you go to get a newer phone, you can trade this one in and that if it's in "mint" condition it will garner a better price?

Your reasonings in ALL your postings (not just this one) befuddles me. You keep saying time and again that "...[you're] a bit of a perfectionist and I tend to keep my things as perfect as I can." They're TOOLS meant to be used to an end, in this case, communications & enjoyment. If you don't USE them, sure, they'll look pristine and unused but, to what end? You might as well buy two of everything and put one away just to keep it looking pristine.

The "...MIGHT (my emphasis) be forcing it sooner" line of reasoning is equally false logic. EVERYTHING in the universe breaks down - it's called the law of Entropy. Things made by man will break no matter how well they're made. But to be reduced to a quivering mass afraid to push a button for fear that there may only be 100,000 button pushes built in and that, in doing so, you advance yourself ever closer to that 100,000 mark is just well, nonsensical. Do you honestly think that some person in China said that "Today, of the 1,000s of push buttons I'm going to make, THIS one I'll mess up so some guy somewhere in the world will get an iPhone whose sleep/off button will fail @ 99,999 cycles instead of 100,000."?

Maybe a different simile will work on you. If you buy an axe (with the intent on chopping wood) why would you worry about if you get some scratches on the head of the axe? It's going to accumulate scratches as a part of normal "wear and tear". If you fear getting it scratched, why did you buy the axe in the first place?:eek:

Sure, keep your phone neat as possible. Keep it clean. Don't get jelly fingerprints all over it. Don't dunk it in water and expect it to work. But don't go so far in your phobias as to fear using the thing or else it's just not going to be any use to you. You bought the phone to be USED so USE it.

In short ... get a life. Worry about the things you CAN control and what truly impact your life and you'll be a lot happier.:)

I understand. Thank you for taking time to type this up. It is just what I needed to hear. Thank you for your response magilla.
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