eBay needs to ban these auctions NOW.
They already stop the sale of BOXES ffs (and rightfully so, as they help legitimize fraudulent sales...), but they allow the sale of what is 99.95% of the time stolen (or at minimum lost)???
And for all of the "I trade sell phones and took it in without knowing it was locked" BS'ers, that's your own fault even if it WAS true (and it's not). Part it out.
All these illegal sales do is create more noobs out there thinking they're getting a "deal" because all they have to do is run to a forum and circumvent the lock.
If it was easy to do (or possible) the thei... err... "seller" would have done it already and sold it for WAY more.
Buy a legit phone. If you can't afford one, wait until you can. If you can't wait, see a doctor for your problem. If you can't see a doctor, blame Obama