This bug is 100 % legit. All my iWorks data is gone.
This is my second attempt to post as my iPad just froze whilst typing.
I did a reset as certain apps do not work with photos. Facebook Pages Covers.
I told it not to delete data and it did. Everything on my iPad and iCloud. 3 Years worth with hundreds of files. Critical marking spreadsheets as well.
This is the worst thing Apple have ever done.

This bug is the worst ever. No company has ever deleted all my data.
I am a heavy iPad user and train people as well. I am very careful about backups and help people backup their devices as well. I did do a backup to my laptop, however only some of my Pages files were done.
My iPad is giving lots of trouble. Delayed typing and much more, so used the reset function a few days ago. On Sunday morning I updated iTunes on my laptop which included iCloud Drive. I noticed on Sunday all my files were gone from Pages, Numbers and Keynote. This was not the end of the world as I knew they would be in the Cloud. I logged into iCloud only to see nothing.
Apple online support could not help and you can not phone for iCloud support.
So Apple have deleted my files with a bug and can not fix this.
I consider this very serious as a lot of people use iPads in education. I am an IT teacher and this could happen to students as well. So you can not trust iCloud with your data. The iPad does not have a SD slot, and makes backups difficult to laptop. My laptop recently lost 60 GB to iTunes backups alone.
I suspect Apple are unable to get the data back, and think this is just the tip of the iceberg.