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Chris Newbold

macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 22, 2014
HELP. Because iOS 8 was so sluggish on my iPad 3 I reset all settings (No data or media will be deleted) and sped it up BUT deleted my iWork data! Then promptly synced and deleted it in iCloud.I have public beta of Yosemite so can't roll back via time machine. I have no pre iOS 8 backups in iTunes or iCloud to revert to (well iCloud device backups don't contain cloud documents and I should have iOS 7 backups in iTunes but can't find any. iCloud has no trash like dropbox. They seem gone forever. PLEASE HELP!!

Thanks, Julien. I think because I have iCloud drive functionality under Yosemite preview, the time machine roll back doesn't seem to work in that folder. I'm thinking they must be backed up somewhere in time machine though..
Thanks, Julien. I think because I have iCloud drive functionality under Yosemite preview, the time machine roll back doesn't seem to work in that folder. I'm thinking they must be backed up somewhere in time machine though..

I just checked and all the Documents are right there waiting to be restored. Under com~apple~Pages/Documents. I even looked a Pages Doc I made today and it's in Time Machine. Using Yo DP8/iOS8/iCloud Drive.

Thanks Julien

For some reason when I access that folder time machine won't let me roll back more than a few hours!
I just had this happen to me. I had a bit of weird behaviour on my iPad, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to just reset all settings. For the hell of it, I did it on my iPhone as well.

ALL DOCUMENTS LOST! How on earth does resetting settings (with a clear notice that data will not be lost) wipe out iCloud drive? It's embarassing.

Slight update, chaps. I'm in touch with apple support, who agree I seem to have tried everything. They couldn't explain it, but have been really helpful and are in the process of rolling back my documents in iCloud to a previous time. So anyone experiencing the same issue, might be worth giving them a call.

The bit I stil don't get, and makes me feel nervous in future, is why the documents aren't backed up as part of a device back up, why they aren't somewhere on my Mac localy so I can roll back via time machine, or even why iCloud just doesn't have a trash like Dropbox. I mean, this stuff happens, but in any of those scenarios I'd have had a solution I could have managed myself.
The simple fact is that iWork documents shouldn't be wiped as it is data and not a setting. I noticed that my other apps all kept their iCloud data (e.g. Cut the rope and other iCloud saving apps).
This also happened to me but Apple support here in the UK are not aware it is an issue and are waiting for the engineers to investigate! After two days They are still not any further forward as they can't even provide a valid temporary password for them to gain access to the iCloud account. Not impressed at their slow response when a bug has caused the loss of important customer data.

Chris, have Apple support resolved it for you yet and did they need temporary access to your iCloud account to do it?
srbuk - yes they have put my account in 'troubleshooting' mode to recover the data. This has involved using a temporary shared password. Nothing fully resolved yet though.

I went through support on the Apple website as an icloud issue and scheduled a call. This was US support. I have nothing covered by warranty or AppleCare, but so far no-one has indicated I need to pay anything for the support.
This also happened to me but Apple support here in the UK are not aware it is an issue and are waiting for the engineers to investigate! After two days They are still not any further forward as they can't even provide a valid temporary password for them to gain access to the iCloud account. Not impressed at their slow response when a bug has caused the loss of important customer data.

Chris, have Apple support resolved it for you yet and did they need temporary access to your iCloud account to do it?

i've the same problem here, after resetting settings i lost all my icloud documents! im in touch with apple brazil and they are trying to help, still waiting for an answer from engineers! they weren't able to put my account in test mode as well, they provided a password that is not secure enough, and appleid doesnt accept it lol (they generate a password on apple internal system, that is NOT SECURE ENOUGH ON APPLEID.COM)
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i've the same problem here, after resetting settings i lost all my icloud documents! im in touch with apple brazil and they are trying to help, im on the same situation, still waiting for an answer from engineers! they weren't able to put my account in test mode as well, they provided a password that is not secure enough, and appleid doesnt accept it lol (they generate a password on apple internal system, that is NOT SECURE ENOUGH ON APPLEID.COM)

but im not giving up! i dont have applecare, they opened an exception since this is an icloud bug!

makes no sense for me an itunes backup that doesnt save my documents??? cant see a reason for that! after they recover my documents, if they do, im gonna switch everything to office =/ no way im gonna trust apple with my documents again!

This also happened to me but Apple support here in the UK are not aware it is an issue and are waiting for the engineers to investigate! After two days They are still not any further forward as they can't even provide a valid temporary password for them to gain access to the iCloud account. Not impressed at their slow response when a bug has caused the loss of important customer data.

Chris, have Apple support resolved it for you yet and did they need temporary access to your iCloud account to do it?

srbuk - yes they have put my account in 'troubleshooting' mode to recover the data. This has involved using a temporary shared password. Nothing fully resolved yet though.

I went through support on the Apple website as an icloud issue and scheduled a call. This was US support. I have nothing covered by warranty or AppleCare, but so far no-one has indicated I need to pay anything for the support.

Any update?
Any update?

Account finally put into troubleshooting mode for an engineer to work on recovering data. As with others am told it is "top priority" but is now a week since the data loss occurred. Not happy with the slow response from Apple to such a serious issue.

Has anyone had any success yet?
This bug is 100 % legit. All my iWorks data is gone.


This is my second attempt to post as my iPad just froze whilst typing.
I did a reset as certain apps do not work with photos. Facebook Pages Covers.

I told it not to delete data and it did. Everything on my iPad and iCloud. 3 Years worth with hundreds of files. Critical marking spreadsheets as well.

This is the worst thing Apple have ever done.
Sean :mad:


This bug is the worst ever. No company has ever deleted all my data.

I am a heavy iPad user and train people as well. I am very careful about backups and help people backup their devices as well. I did do a backup to my laptop, however only some of my Pages files were done.

My iPad is giving lots of trouble. Delayed typing and much more, so used the reset function a few days ago. On Sunday morning I updated iTunes on my laptop which included iCloud Drive. I noticed on Sunday all my files were gone from Pages, Numbers and Keynote. This was not the end of the world as I knew they would be in the Cloud. I logged into iCloud only to see nothing.

Apple online support could not help and you can not phone for iCloud support.
So Apple have deleted my files with a bug and can not fix this.

I consider this very serious as a lot of people use iPads in education. I am an IT teacher and this could happen to students as well. So you can not trust iCloud with your data. The iPad does not have a SD slot, and makes backups difficult to laptop. My laptop recently lost 60 GB to iTunes backups alone.

I suspect Apple are unable to get the data back, and think this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I lost all of my documents in Pages across all of my devices as well as in iCloud. When I called Apple, they put me in "troubleshooting" mode so their engineers could work on retrieving my documents. This is the response that I have now received.

"Hey XXXX,

I just heard back from the engineers and they said they are unable to restore any of those documents.

I have requested more information on the reasoning behind not being able to restore those documents but I do apologize for the major inconvenience this has caused..." :mad:
I lost all of my documents in Pages across all of my devices as well as in iCloud. When I called Apple, they put me in "troubleshooting" mode so their engineers could work on retrieving my documents. This is the response that I have now received.

"Hey XXXX,

I just heard back from the engineers and they said they are unable to restore any of those documents.

I have requested more information on the reasoning behind not being able to restore those documents but I do apologize for the major inconvenience this has caused..." :mad:

Horror story right here. Was thinking about upgrading my iCloud Drive, but the signals are all here telling me not to do so.
It's really clear to me that Apple is a train wreck at the moment.
I lost all of my documents in Pages across all of my devices as well as in iCloud. When I called Apple, they put me in "troubleshooting" mode so their engineers could work on retrieving my documents. This is the response that I have now received.

"Hey XXXX,

I just heard back from the engineers and they said they are unable to restore any of those documents.

I have requested more information on the reasoning behind not being able to restore those documents but I do apologize for the major inconvenience this has caused..." :mad:

I am horrified by the response you have had from Apple. When I first reported this 7 days ago a senior advisor told me that they have backups across multiple servers so that customers can rely upon and trust the service. Are the engineers now saying that these backups do not include archives?

I myself am no further forward and am not happy with the lack of urgency displayed by Apple. Furthermore when I reported back to another senior advisor that the loss of data was consistent with the "Reset all settings" action I was told it was an isolated incident and not related!! It is days later and still Apple have not gone public to warn customers. If they had taken the initial reports by me (and others) seriously they would have saved the serious consequences of data loss for many more users.
I lost all of my documents in Pages across all of my devices as well as in iCloud. When I called Apple, they put me in "troubleshooting" mode so their engineers could work on retrieving my documents. This is the response that I have now received.

"Hey XXXX,

I just heard back from the engineers and they said they are unable to restore any of those documents.

I have requested more information on the reasoning behind not being able to restore those documents but I do apologize for the major inconvenience this has caused..." :mad:

Some of the lost documents have now appeared in iCloud after it was put in "troubleshooting mode" but unfortunately these are mainly older ones so am still waiting on their response concerning the more important recent ones.
I'm selling off my phone to someone and thus have to reset my phone to factory default. Does that have the same effect on my iCloud Drive? Or should I turn off iCloud first, would that work?
I was asked to provide file names to the engineering team... for hundreds of files lost!!! I did know some of them and most of these have apparently been found - although I can't confirm if they are the latest versions yet as they haven't uploaded them back to iCloud drive yet. I am still extremely frustrated at the slow progress and the haphazard fashion in which they are finding the deleted documents. I am surprised they cannot find an archive of ALL files from the date and time I have provided.
I'm selling off my phone to someone and thus have to reset my phone to factory default. Does that have the same effect on my iCloud Drive? Or should I turn off iCloud first, would that work?

Only "Reset All Settings" will erase your iWork files from iCloud Drive. "Erase all Content and Settings" is not affected by this bug.
I received a reply to my followup request from the Apple senior advisor who was working on my case. He just reconfirmed the bad news along with an "explanation" of what they say happened. He said in part "...They have reported to me that they are unable to restore any of your documents. It seems like during the migration to iCloud drive your uploaded documents did not make it all the way back up to iCloud....I’ve asked two separate engineers and we are unable to restore them." :mad:
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