You don't reset the mouse. You need to go into the Bluetooth preferences and delete the profile for the mouse when you initially paired it with your Mac.
anyone knows how to reset magic mouse?
I need my mac forgot this mouse& reconnect it again as new mouse
when I tried delete it & reconnect,it found the same mouse as connected
My Apple mouse was connected to an old MacBook Pro and was never removed. I recently had trouble connecting it to my new MacBook Pro. This worked for me:
1) turn off your Apple mouse
2) open system preferences [cmd+spc, "system preferences", enter].
3) navigate to "Bluetooth", make sure Bluetooth is on.
4) hold down 'click' action on Apple mouse then turn on the mouse. Make sure you hold down the 'click' while it turns on.
5) You should now be able to `pair` your Apple mouse to your Mac.
My Apple mouse was connected to an old MacBook Pro and was never removed. I recently had trouble connecting it to my new MacBook Pro. This worked for me:
1) turn off your Apple mouse
2) open system preferences [cmd+spc, "system preferences", enter].
3) navigate to "Bluetooth", make sure Bluetooth is on.
4) hold down 'click' action on Apple mouse then turn on the mouse. Make sure you hold down the 'click' while it turns on.
5) You should now be able to `pair` your Apple mouse to your Mac.
This is a copy/paste from another forum - it worked for me!anyone knows how to reset magic mouse?
I need my mac forgot this mouse& reconnect it again as new mouse
when I tried delete it & reconnect,it found the same mouse as connected
[doublepost=1547665138][/doublepost]Is it obvious to reset the BT module? Or the "connected Apple devices"? I'm guessing you mean the latter, but I'd like to be sure. (Neither worked for me.)
The magic mouse doesn't have a "click" command, it has a "left click" and a "right click". Which one does one press? Or do you just mash down the entire cover generally and hope for the best?Thank you!. This is the best solution for any time and especially when the old computer the mouse was associate with is no longer being used.