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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2016
This new question is simple. Let's say i let my cousin to log to my iphone with his apple id account(i point out HIS account, that he made on his own device not mine).Than later that day i erase everything and restore back to factory settings, but when the reset is done and i start fresh as new iphone, i do not register and keep using the phone without apple id for a while (because i cant remember my privious accoun usernames) can he somehow spy on my device since he was once logged on it (again with HIS account). Is his account assosiated with my iphone now (even after i erased everything and am not currently signed in anywhere) In my mind, once i've erased eveything sucsesifully he can't use my account anymore, am i right?
Thanks guys, i am really paranoid!


Apr 20, 2016
Portsmouth, NH
This new question is simple. Let's say i let my cousin to log to my iphone with his apple id account(i point out HIS account, that he made on his own device not mine).Than later that day i erase everything and restore back to factory settings, but when the reset is done and i start fresh as new iphone, i do not register and keep using the phone without apple id for a while (because i cant remember my privious accoun usernames) can he somehow spy on my device since he was once logged on it (again with HIS account). Is his account assosiated with my iphone now (even after i erased everything and am not currently signed in anywhere) In my mind, once i've erased eveything sucsesifully he can't use my account anymore, am i right?
Thanks guys, i am really paranoid!
Don't let anyone log into your phone with their Apple ID. It's just asking for trouble.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2016
Don't let anyone log into your phone with their Apple ID. It's just asking for trouble.
I know now, but i was paniced since i ran out of accounts.

Yes you are right, once you perform an 'Erase All Content and Settings' your friend cannot access your iPhone.
So EDH667, i can rest easy now, even if he was in, as long as the device is sucsesfully erased he is no longer allowed to connect to it in any way with his personal account..


macrumors 65816
Nov 25, 2009
Northern California
Yes correct. It is still in your best interest to sign into your iCloud account on the iPhone so your security preferences are set up in case your iPhone is lost or stolen.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2016
I understand, but forgot all my three apple id usernames. (it sound stupid but it is really truth) I do remember the passwords not the usernames.(that's way we tried to sign with my cousin's one) I'll be calling apple survice once the holidays are over.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2016
deano1972, by the way i found similar threads adviseing the same thing. But will it work if my laptop is not Apple-based?
[doublepost=1482715786][/doublepost]I simply can't believe there is no way for another username to be created. What aboul all those people who like buy second hand phones, there must be a way..
[doublepost=1482715916][/doublepost]Wait a minute guys, an idea came to my mind.. What if when i earse the phone , when i set it up as new a tap on use from your privious android phone? My old gmail accounts still stand i have the phone to my mother. Can i use that as an option?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2016
United Kingdom
You can use any browser to create an ID on that link, then since your cousin can log in to your phone with his ID I see no reason why you won't be able to do the same with an Apple ID created on that link using an internet browser on let's say a windows desktop.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2016
Damn that sounds like an option.. But shall i try this first and if it don't work to call apple or first to call apple and than to try, whats your advice?
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