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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 19, 2013
Ok so recently I've been having an issue that while watching something on Netflix or HULU my AppleTV might restart itself. At first it was every so often now it's becoming more and more common. I was curious if anyone else was having the same issue. My AppleTV is a second generation model and less than 5 years old.
Ok so recently I've been having an issue that while watching something on Netflix or HULU my AppleTV might restart itself. At first it was every so often now it's becoming more and more common. I was curious if anyone else was having the same issue. My AppleTV is a second generation model and less than 5 years old.
I had that happen a LOT on both Apple TV 2nd Gen units that I had. When Google said that YouTube would quit working on the 2nd Gen units I sold mine (for a profit) and bought 2 3rd Gen units. Have not had that issue since. Glad I bought the new ones.
I wonder if it's age. If so maybe it's time to replace my units. If so I'm only getting 1 this time
There are several recent posts on the internet and Apple's discussion pages regarding random reboots when attempting to view Netflix and Hulu on the AppleTV. I started having the same problem about 3 weeks ago with Netflix (I don't use Hulu). I suspect that something changed with Apple's servers, or perhaps there was a bad update (it does happen from time to time). In any case, my work around has been to stream Netflix content from my iPad (via the Netflix app) to my AppleTV2. It's not ideal, but it works.

Has anyone experienced this issue with an AppleTV3?
Just having YouTube work again would be worth the upgrade from gen2. I'd assumed that it was a contractural thing instead of a hardware thing.

I guess I'll wait until the new one comes out.
I had this same issue with my 2nd generation ATV. It wouldn't happen all the time, but it restarted often enough that it was getting to be annoying. I recently purchased the 3rd generation ATV a month ago and I have not experienced this same issue yet.
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