I want to restrict password change in El Capitan. In 10.8 this was done on the parental control "Others" tab. This option is no longer there in 10.11. Is there a terminal command to restrict managed accounts from changing their passwords?
I’ve had a look at how this works on Mavericks. Enabling that setting creates a property list (plist) file at /Library/Managed Preferences/Username/com.apple.systempreferences.plist. You could try to create/add this file manually and see whether it still works. I have attached it for you. You can also create it yourself with these contents:
There is also another plist file there called ‘complete.plist’ which contains all the options again. You might need to update that one too. You can edit this file with a code editor (preferably not a rich-text editor), like Atom. You should add this section, but you need to copy the line that begins with ‘mxc_users’ manually from another entry.