Most people know that Snapchat has had front facing display flash for a while, but it utilized only white light. Now it uses dual tone flash (not sure if this is only on 6s's, but here I am only talking about the new phones). I tried the other night to compare the two, the Apple Retina Flash vs Snapchat flash. I was very confused to find that the Snapchat flash actually fires brighter than the Retina Flash (which isn't actually that great for taking nighttime photos). Wasn't the whole idea of the Retina Flash being a 6s exclusive that it had a special display chip allowing the flash to fire brighter than normal?
TLDR: Snapchat display flash is brighter than Retina Flash despite RF being billed as a special hardware related 6s exclusive.
TLDR: Snapchat display flash is brighter than Retina Flash despite RF being billed as a special hardware related 6s exclusive.