Hi everyone,
I'm going to replace my dying 2011 iMac which I use for photo editing, 36MP files, and gaming occasionally. I was expecting my iMac to last a bit longer, but it has been crashing everyday. It works fine for about two hours after being powered. Then finder starts crashing and every goes down the drain. It's very frustrating for me to force shutdown everyday. I have been to the apple store twice about this and they could not help me with this, apple diagnostic tool says the system is fine.
I'd like to know if having a dedicate gaming machine and the MM would be a better option than an all-in-one. Since if things go wrong for the machine, I can just replace it with a lower cost.
Also, I'd like to know how the MM handles such large files in LR and PS. Would I be sacrificing too much computing power on the photo editing side? I sometimes do snitching and the file can become 1-2 GB easily. The MM option I'm going with is the 2014 i7 Mac Mini. Thanks for looking.
I'm going to replace my dying 2011 iMac which I use for photo editing, 36MP files, and gaming occasionally. I was expecting my iMac to last a bit longer, but it has been crashing everyday. It works fine for about two hours after being powered. Then finder starts crashing and every goes down the drain. It's very frustrating for me to force shutdown everyday. I have been to the apple store twice about this and they could not help me with this, apple diagnostic tool says the system is fine.
I'd like to know if having a dedicate gaming machine and the MM would be a better option than an all-in-one. Since if things go wrong for the machine, I can just replace it with a lower cost.
Also, I'd like to know how the MM handles such large files in LR and PS. Would I be sacrificing too much computing power on the photo editing side? I sometimes do snitching and the file can become 1-2 GB easily. The MM option I'm going with is the 2014 i7 Mac Mini. Thanks for looking.