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once you go retina...

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I voted for the 1080p+ IPS monitor option.

Yes, Retina is fantastic and given the choice, I would never move away from it. I would never go back to the MBA's screen willingly as all my Apple devices now have Retina displays.

However, at work I have a fairly old HP w1907 monitor that can only run as high as 1440x900. When I don't have my rMB next to me and switching between the two, I can manage. However, I can definitely notice the fuzziness and while it won't make my eyeballs bleed, it is a significant backstep to what I'm used to.
The device that ruined all other screens for me was the iPhone 4. Nothing compared to retina after that.
While the screen on the MBA isn't a particularly good screen for its class, I never had any difficulty looking at it all day when I had one. The rMB screen is clearly crisper and clearer, and has much better color fidelity and I definitely prefer it over the MBA. But the cost is in the required battery and processor power to drive it (and in font sizes for some).

If Apple were to offer the next MBA with a "best in class" IPS display (as opposed to the current mediocre one), I might even go back to an Air for the extra horsepower and ports.
Very likely, yes. Especially considering that very few companies use such screens in their offices. I'll still be staring at LCD screens for many years to come, at least 7-8 hours a day... While the retina display is nice, it's not vital ( for me that is and for the stuff I do on a computer - mainly programming and gaming ).
Never look back

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The retina screen was certainly a nice improvement over the MBA, but I didn't feel like it was a revolutionary change for me. It wouldn't be a main factor when picking my next laptop.
While the screen on the MBA isn't a particularly good screen for its class, I never had any difficulty looking at it all day when I had one. The rMB screen is clearly crisper and clearer, and has much better color fidelity and I definitely prefer it over the MBA. But the cost is in the required battery and processor power to drive it (and in font sizes for some).

If Apple were to offer the next MBA with a "best in class" IPS display (as opposed to the current mediocre one), I might even go back to an Air for the extra horsepower and ports.

Ditto, spot on :)
I can't really tell much difference between my wife's 2014 MBA and my 2014 13" rMBP. In some ways I'd prefer the MBA since it is lighter.

Have the same combo and there's a difference between the two. Photos look so much better on the retina screens.
Not a hope. I converted to mac specifically for the rMBP in 2012. When the retina imac came along I thought I would continue to use my 30" Dell 2560x1600 display as a secondary monitor. Within half an hour I'd taken it off the desk. Can never use it again...
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I bought a 15" 2015 MBP and a month later, a non retina 13" 2012 MBP. It doesn't bother to me to switch between the two although the Retina sure is nice.
How about a fifth option in the poll? I have a rMB and a nMP that's connected to a 3440x1440 21:9 34" Samsung monitor that has a VA panel. The ultra-wide form factor is perfect for my desktop use cases and all the 21:9 IPS panels I tried had really, really bad backlight bleed issues. The lack of "retina" resolution for my desktop monitor really isn't a big deal.
Only had my retina 15" MBP for about a week, and I already made up my mind that I will never go back to a lower resolution.
I have retina and non retina laptops, both has pros/cons. I would not buy a laptop just cause of the resolution of the screen.
When I take time to notice, yes. The Retina display wonderful. However, when switching between standard and high DPI while working, it's an afterthought.
My job has cheapo touch screen monitors with Dell desktops behind those. There are a huge amount of workplace PCs with low res monitors. It will be years before many of those upgrade.

The area manager comes in occasionally to do her audits with an iPad. That's the newest piece of tech our workplace has seen in years.
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