Who’s built one? I’m going to venture building my own since I’m not lucky enough to score a SNES classic or an NES classic from last year. I like the flexibility of it, plus the “l built it myself” factor. I’ve found some good online tutorials, but I was wondering if anyone had some tips/tricks or things you wish you’d know ahead of time to share. I’m fairly handy, good at following directions, and not a moron. I was big into modifying cell phones back in the RAZR days and a jailbreaking fool back when that was the only way iPhones would work on other carriers. I haven’t built something like this before, but I’m sure it can’t be that hard.
One pressing question is what controller to get. I think I want to stick with a wired one for simplicity (are there really a ton of extra steps involved with the Bluetooth ones like the directions suggest?) I’m really just interested in NES, SNES, and N64 games. The N64 part is what makes it hard to choose a controller. There’s plenty of USB ones on amazon, but are they also good for the older games? Should I buy two controllers? One N64 and one for NES/SNES? Any suggestions?
One pressing question is what controller to get. I think I want to stick with a wired one for simplicity (are there really a ton of extra steps involved with the Bluetooth ones like the directions suggest?) I’m really just interested in NES, SNES, and N64 games. The N64 part is what makes it hard to choose a controller. There’s plenty of USB ones on amazon, but are they also good for the older games? Should I buy two controllers? One N64 and one for NES/SNES? Any suggestions?