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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
I think I know what I want to do here...

I had pre-ordered a full priced iPhone 6s Plus from - I also have a grandfathered unlimited data plan which is up with an upgrade option.

Now that I'm coming to senses ...I'm questioning why I didn't just get it from AT&T store renewing the contract and getting the phone for a cheaper price.

So I'm thinking when I receive my phone today...just go and return it to Apple Store and then head over to an AT&T store and get it from there. I can get one renewing my 2 year contract there...correct? Granted then have it in stock of course.

Am I missing any pros or cons here in terms of keeping the fully paid iPhone? I mean I'm going to keep the phone for 2 years why not get it for less.
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Unlimited plan subscribers should always get it subsidized on 2 year contracts. You may not be able to renew and get a discount in store. It may be online only IIRC.
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Ordered it online. The wait begins yet again . Gonna return the other one today.
That's what I did.... I'm grandfathered and I'll never let this plan go. My contract wasn't up until today,so I ordered this morning. 9/29-10/04 delivery date,not bad. Silver 64gb 6S
I just went to the store and picked up my phone today. There was no waiting at the local AT&T store in my area. I have unlimited data on my plan also. I was in and out in less than 15 minutes.
That's what I did.... I'm grandfathered and I'll never let this plan go. My contract wasn't up until today,so I ordered this morning. 9/29-10/04 delivery date,not bad. Silver 64gb 6S

That's an awesome ship window. Mine is 10/23 - 10/30. I ordered the 128gb plus silver.[/QUOTE]
That's an awesome ship window. Mine is 10/23 - 10/30. I ordered the 128gb plus silver.
It's probably because I ordered the 6S. The plus seems to be the more popular choice of iPhone. I had the 6+ last year and it was a little too big for me,but everyone els I know with it loves it.

Looks like we just need to be patient now. Lol
I just went to the store and picked up my phone today. There was no waiting at the local AT&T store in my area. I have unlimited data on my plan also. I was in and out in less than 15 minutes.
Were you there right when they opened? Or you just walked in later in the morning?
I have one more question...for subsidizing the phone and renewing a 2yr contract - you get the device for $200 cheaper...correct? Because the 128gb 6s plus is costing me $749.99.
My 6s 64gb cost me $299 + tax = $317 out the door. At full price it would have cost me $749 + Tax. I saved $450 by signing contract. I don't mind 2 year contracts because I have another UDP line that is eligible for upgrade next September. Every iPhone release one of my two lines is eligible for an iPhone upgrade. I always keep my old phone and pass it down to my son and I sale off his old iPhone to make up the cost of the first one.
Hmmm...So how come it cost me $749.99 (renewing my 2 yr contract up in nov) when the one with no contract costs $949.99? Might have to call AT&T.
Hmmm...So how come it cost me $749.99 (renewing my 2 yr contract up in nov) when the one with no contract costs $949.99? Might have to call AT&T.

If your 2 year isn't up till November you only going to get the partial subsidy which is $200 off. You'd have to wait till November to get the full subsidy.
Hmmm...So how come it cost me $749.99 (renewing my 2 yr contract up in nov) when the one with no contract costs $949.99? Might have to call AT&T.

It's because you're upgrading when your two year contract isn't complete yet. Sounds like you have one more year of your contract. $499 subsidized price + $250 for upgrading while in contract.

Imo, I would just pay outright for the phone
Gotcha!! So I guess I should the call AT&T and cancel the order and place it once the contract is up. I would love to get the phone outright but it's just a tad bit much money. And I'm going to keep this phone for 2 years anyways. I should've thought about that...thank you for clarifying this confusion guys.
So I spoke to AT&T rep and they helped cancel the order...however not even half hour passed by and I got an email confirmation about my phone being shipped. I called back AT&T and they checked and confirmed that the order has been shipped. The AT&T rep said just to return the phone and my contract will revert back to its original date for expiration for nov 2015z I was thinking and wondering if there are folks here who have gotten AT&T to allow people to subsidize the phone for full discount a month before their contract was up. I'm assuming that they probably can't do it - but can they issue a credit on my account to make up the difference?

Do you think it's worth talking to AT&T about this? Or just suck it up and wait till November?
It really depends on who you get on the phone and how long you have been with AT&T. Call until you get someone who will wave your early upgrade. In the early years this was possible but over the years AT&T has become more greedy.
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