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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 19, 2011
Hello MacRumors-Community!

I saw, that many people including me were sad about the fact, that RtCW, the famous id-Software FPS, wasn't playable on Lion any more (due to the fact that it is a PPC-Application.)

I found out, that a few months ago, Brad Oliver recompiled the Game ( based on the published source-code (

Please note, that these apps are just the binaries for the game to execute. The main-folder containing the game-files has to be owned.

It works very well (except from some lightning-issues on the dynamic shadows) and even faster than the PPC-Version on SL (for me, 2.5x FPS).

Have Fun playing!


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So I need to swap out a file?

What you have to do is:
-Download the ZIP ( )
-Unzip it
-Create a Folder
-Copy the "Main" Folder from your old installation into the new folder
-Open the folder where the unzipped files are in
-Grab Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein and put them into the new folder.

The result should be a folder containing


Did not work! Crashes at start in Lion.

Same here, it's a port made to work in 10.6.6 according to the Read Me, which is nice enough but there's PPC support in 10.6.6 so this isn't really needed in anything except 10.7 (Lion) - and it doesn't work in Lion.

A shame.
Same here, it's a port made to work in 10.6.6 according to the Read Me, which is nice enough but there's PPC support in 10.6.6 so this isn't really needed in anything except 10.7 (Lion) - and it doesn't work in Lion.

A shame.

My current code base works on Lion.
But the game is not ready for release so be patient and you will be able to play it on 10.7
My current code base works on Lion.
But the game is not ready for release so be patient and you will be able to play it on 10.7

Much abliged! I'm patient and looking forward to seeing a 10.7 compatible release! :cool:
Yes, it does. I actually got to develop my own codebase in the year after posting this thread and the natively-compiled version ran 200% faster than the Rosetta-interpreted one.

Hi Frign and other RTCWers,

I'm keen on compiling RTCW single player for my mac running Mountain Lion. I realise 10.8 hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet but i'm hoping there isn't much that has changed since Lion as far as getting RTCW working goes.

I've got a copy of the source (from id's github page here)but not being a dev i'm unsure where to start, besides the readme.txt of course, which happens to state "If problems occur, consult the internet". That said, well... here i am :)

I've tried running Brad Oliver's binaries (both SP and MP) but similar to what has been reported by a few others in this thread it just crashes after a short while.

I've compiled various programs for linux in the past so i'm not totally new to this (i get the basics behind 'make' and 'make install'), but i've not ever compiled a mac binary before. Basically i'm hoping you (or anyone else) can shed some light on where to start, as you mentioning your "codebase" has me intrigued.

I see a 'macosx' folder in the source - Do i need Xcode? Or should i stick to the 'unix' folder instead?

Thanks in advance for any help offered!

Having just asked that, i found this wrapper for the Windows version of the game, to make it run under OS X - works great for me on my Macbook Pro running Mountain Lion!

Hope someone else finds this and enjoys this classic game.

PS: Still interested to find out about compiling a native version, if anyone is kind enough to share that info - thanks!
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Hi Frign and other RTCWers,

I'm keen on compiling RTCW single player for my mac running Mountain Lion. I realise 10.8 hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet but i'm hoping there isn't much that has changed since Lion as far as getting RTCW working goes.

I've got a copy of the source (from id's github page here)but not being a dev i'm unsure where to start, besides the readme.txt of course, which happens to state "If problems occur, consult the internet". That said, well... here i am :)

I've tried running Brad Oliver's binaries (both SP and MP) but similar to what has been reported by a few others in this thread it just crashes after a short while.

I've compiled various programs for linux in the past so i'm not totally new to this (i get the basics behind 'make' and 'make install'), but i've not ever compiled a mac binary before. Basically i'm hoping you (or anyone else) can shed some light on where to start, as you mentioning your "codebase" has me intrigued.

I see a 'macosx' folder in the source - Do i need Xcode? Or should i stick to the 'unix' folder instead?

Thanks in advance for any help offered!


The problem is that with current versions of XCode, you can't compile the initial sources due to missing, old SDKs.
I am currently working on optimising the source code to be compiled with current SDKs (Mac OS X 10.8 instead if 10.2). Especially considering multiplayer, where many functions are deprecated, and because the sources are not ISO CPP, this may take some time to finish.
I will let you know.




Having just asked that, i found this wrapper for the Windows version of the game, to make it run under OS X - works great for me on my Macbook Pro running Mountain Lion!

Hope someone else finds this and enjoys this classic game.

PS: Still interested to find out about compiling a native version, if anyone is kind enough to share that info - thanks!

I compiled my own version and am currently working on implementing new SDKs for even better performance and reliability. Until that's done, you can get my working app here.
For more information, please refer to my last post in this thread.

Best regards

This game worked under Snow Leopard for me with the Intel native version, but under Mountain Lion 10.8.2 on my new Mac Mini it first asked me to select a monitor (I have two connected), but refused to acknowledge my choice (just made a beep and stayed on the screen whether I clicked either monitor and hit ok or clicked cancel; it would do NOTHING). So then I thought I'd outsmart it and disconnect my secondary monitor. When I ran it then, it just made the sound of thousands of clicks per second (at least that's what it sounded like) and tied up the computer so I could not even access the mouse. I had to use the Command/Option/Escape combo to force it to shut down. I tried the x86 binary listed in the post above with the MAIN directory copied over and it did the same thing.

I tried looking into the wrapper, but they want you to register just to download the freaking thing, so no thanks.


I just tried the same setup on my 2008 Macbook Pro that worked with Snow Leopard and is now running Mountain Lion also. The game works fine there with Mountain Lion so I'm guessing that perhaps the game doesn't like the Intel 4000 GPU in the Mac Mini rather than being something in the OS itself (unless there's a setting stored somewhere else than the game directory that got corrupted or something when the select monitor thing didn't work). The MBP uses the NVidia 8600M GT.

I tried re-copying the same install over to my Mac Mini again and it still won't start (makes that clicking noise constantly until I force it to close).
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This game worked under Snow Leopard for me with the Intel native version, but under Mountain Lion 10.8.2 on my new Mac Mini it first asked me to select a monitor (I have two connected), but refused to acknowledge my choice (just made a beep and stayed on the screen whether I clicked either monitor and hit ok or clicked cancel; it would do NOTHING). So then I thought I'd outsmart it and disconnect my secondary monitor. When I ran it then, it just made the sound of thousands of clicks per second (at least that's what it sounded like) and tied up the computer so I could not even access the mouse. I had to use the Command/Option/Escape combo to force it to shut down. I tried the x86 binary listed in the post above with the MAIN directory copied over and it did the same thing.

I tried looking into the wrapper, but they want you to register just to download the freaking thing, so no thanks.


I just tried the same setup on my 2008 Macbook Pro that worked with Snow Leopard and is now running Mountain Lion also. The game works fine there with Mountain Lion so I'm guessing that perhaps the game doesn't like the Intel 4000 GPU in the Mac Mini rather than being something in the OS itself (unless there's a setting stored somewhere else than the game directory that got corrupted or something when the select monitor thing didn't work). The MBP uses the NVidia 8600M GT.

I tried re-copying the same install over to my Mac Mini again and it still won't start (makes that clicking noise constantly until I force it to close).

Hey Magnus,

in the interest of recompiling a Mountain Lion for all of you, I checked the sources out again and noticed a major deprecation in the so called "AGLUtils", dealing with monitor output and the like.
I'll let you know once I got to fix the code to compile again.

Best regards.

Ohh cool, I love the game atmosphere, wish you luck with the porting.

Thanks, but it will be a tough job: The UI is written in Quartz, which has been deprecated since Mac OS X 10.6. My current build has been compiled against the 10.2 Frameworks, which are like 10 years old. No wonder users experience problems now ;).
Somebody would actually have to rewrite the UI in Cocoa, which is not trivial, and work around the literally hundreds of deprecations. As I'm facing my final exams now, I will take a look at it once I've got them finished and months of free time to work on that.


FRIGN :cool:
Thanks, but it will be a tough job: The UI is written in Quartz, which has been deprecated since Mac OS X 10.6. My current build has been compiled against the 10.2 Frameworks, which are like 10 years old. No wonder users experience problems now ;).
Somebody would actually have to rewrite the UI in Cocoa, which is not trivial, and work around the literally hundreds of deprecations. As I'm facing my final exams now, I will take a look at it once I've got them finished and months of free time to work on that.


FRIGN :cool:

What I don't understand is why it works perfectly fine on my 2008 Macbook Pro ALSO running 10.8.3 but not on my 2012 Mac Mini running the same operating system. Thus, I must conclude it is not Quartz that is creating the "problem" but something in OpenGL in regards to the Intel 4000 GPU in the Mini versus the 8600M GT in the Macbook Pro. I don't need a complete Cocoa update. I just need a fix for the startup problem.
What I don't understand is why it works perfectly fine on my 2008 Macbook Pro ALSO running 10.8.3 but not on my 2012 Mac Mini running the same operating system. Thus, I must conclude it is not Quartz that is creating the "problem" but something in OpenGL in regards to the Intel 4000 GPU in the Mini versus the 8600M GT in the Macbook Pro. I don't need a complete Cocoa update. I just need a fix for the startup problem.

Yes, this problem is definitely situated in the aged OpenGL-libs.
A complete Quartz-rewrite is required, because you can't unfortunately link against different framework-versions that easily (let's say, mixing 10.2 and 10.8) and the entire window-management is based on it, but I will try.
I also have a Mac mini 2012 sitting on my desk, so be sure that I can test it out thoroughly and find out what the problem is ;).

Best regards

Are the only one working on it?

It seems in regards to Mac OS X; Most development takes place under Linux. I am thinking about if it was maybe better to port the Linux-version to Mac OS X. The Un*xes have much alike ;).
Is there anyway to play RTCW on my 2012 Macbook running 10.8 mountain lion? I am looking to go out and buy the CD game, but If it isn't going to work, I would bother.

I've keep hearing playing the game won't be possible. If I can, what has to be done. ???
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