Couldinlt resist a return to veteran mid 40 console games.
Xbox 1 s console purchase today.
Only Forza Horizon 3+gears ultimate.
Possibly an update and sing up once again for free xbox live initial 14 day trial.
Hope Forza+gears keep my happy until I can purchase city skylines in a week or two.
Couldn’t stretch my budget to x box x for 4k t.v.
Maybe Scorpian in next few years.
Xbox 1 s console purchase today.
Only Forza Horizon 3+gears ultimate.
Possibly an update and sing up once again for free xbox live initial 14 day trial.
Hope Forza+gears keep my happy until I can purchase city skylines in a week or two.
Couldn’t stretch my budget to x box x for 4k t.v.
Maybe Scorpian in next few years.