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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 10, 2007
So would the best way to switch to T-Mobile be to pay the $325 AT&T ETF and then sign up for $70 month to month unlimited everything?


Also what about smaller services that use tmobile att or verizons signal?
I want consistent LTE unlimited at best price :)


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011

You're right for the most part, except with the iPhone. See the end of the first post at that link
Allright then. What about bars with 3G? iPhone 5, 5c and 5s? The last statement only mentions LTE.

P.S. Thank you for the correction. I hate looking like a fool and passing around wrong information. Do that long enough and people don't take you seriously. So, again, thanks!


Jun 21, 2010
[/COLOR]Also what about smaller services that use tmobile att or verizons signal?
I want consistent LTE unlimited at best price :)

If you want consistent, then you should return your 5C, and cancel your AT&T account to buy a unlimited VZW SIM off Ebay. And then pay full price for a VZW iPhone with LTE.

TMobile does NOT provide a consistent experience with any of their networks. It is a mess. Strong EDGE everywhere, spotty LTE and HSPA.

Sprint won't work either. Their network is still too ******.

Lucille Carter

Jul 3, 2013
Well, they don't have coverage everywhere, but then neither does any of the carriers. So, we could probably go around and around on this just based on our own experiences.

I agree that the network sucks right now. In my own area where LTE is coming in it is slowly, incrementally improving, but it's pretty bad otherwise.

Sprint can be ok if they cover where you live and use your phone. If you do and traveling, then you already know how poor Sprint is. I use ATT and if for some reason I would have to leave, it would be Verizon for me.

Coverage is everything unless you can accept not having a signal, I can't remember the last time I had zero coverage and I travel a good bit.


macrumors member
Mar 27, 2008
If you want consistent, then you should return your 5C, and cancel your AT&T account to buy a unlimited VZW SIM off Ebay. And then pay full price for a VZW iPhone with LTE.

:confused: Say whaaaa!? You can do that and wiggle your way into a legacy Verizon unlimited plan?
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