Thanks for posting, what a great review. Love the way reviewer talks about problems. Design compromises, and trade offs. It’s not one of those clickbait YouTube reviews. Interesting he lists the advantages of Passthrough and why it feels better than quest, but not being suitable for outdoor use. In a nutshell, It isn’t a great gaming device, but far ahead in terms of screens, and promise of using as displays to Mac. I hope Apple gives the ability to support multiple screens on AVP. It would perfectly compliment my MBP16 on the road, or when I am not at desk.
Not just multiple screens, but allow Mac apps to live in VisionOS windows, and allow eye/touch control of the mouse/trackpad (I already find myself constantly trying to control windows on my virtual Mac with eyes and finger taps. With better app support, I’d be AVP plus keyboard with a vestigial pointing device all the way already!) and audio pass through from the Mac.
Or, you know, just let the Vision Pro boot MacOS internally, have a cell modem, measure your pulse and take phone calls so you don’t need a Vision Pro and MacBook Pro and iPhone, and watch and iPad, etc.
VisionOS can be the one to rule them all, but I don’t see today’s Apple allowing it to cannibalize their other products, so whoever gets a decent full featured headset+real OS together will eat their lunch when the time comes.
Love this hardware, even in the current state, whoever gets the software right for this type of headset will be running the largest tech company of the 21st century. Apple has the ability, and a head start, but they have to curb their worst instincts and let VisionOS fly or someone else will win.
But let’s be fair, by February 1984 there was no real way to develop Mac software on a Mac, and in July 2007 there was no way to develop for the iPhone at all. Whether you can develop for visionOS on a visionOS device in the next year or two will be very telling.
Edit to add: I can’t see myself buying an Apple device that isn’t a headset ever again. It so much better than anything else out there. But that means when my phone, laptop, etc age out if the AVP4 or whatever can’t replace them all I’m likely looking to leave the Apple ecosystem for a headset that is my phone, health tracker, TV, computer, etc all in one.