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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 19, 2008
This is the first review I've seen from a publication dedicated to VR news and reviews.
It has some interesting analysis of the tradeoffs Apple made compared to Meta. It touches on some of the topics that Mark Zuckerberg did, but from a less biased position that is willing to point out the areas where Apple is far ahead of Meta.
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One of the most comprehensive reviews I have read... though he had me at

"Given this and the product’s seated focus, I find the popular complaints about battery life, mostly coming from those who don’t actually own the headset, to be overblown."

What I also liked that he really walked through the features and mechanical properties rather than starting with Personas or Movies.
Just finished reading this review. Thanks to the OP for posting this, I had been curious about the differences between VP and Quest, and this answered most of my questions.

Last line in the review was a real mike drop!
Great review, but he thinks that the glare is because the light seal material lets the light through which is not the case.
Great review, but he thinks that the glare is because the light seal material lets the light through which is not the case.
It may be both. I haven't tried the AVP, but on my HTC Vive, the face cushion had small gaps on the sides so the arms of glasses could fit without being pressed into the user's face. Even those small gaps could occasionally let light through that would cause glare on the screen, in addition to glare from internal reflections.
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Great review, but he thinks that the glare is because the light seal material lets the light through which is not the case.

The light seal materials are thin enough to let some light through (take a flashlight to it), but you are right, this isn’t a significant concern for glare, the material blocks like 95% of it. It’s also possible that some light can leak from the bottom too (depending on your nose shape), and again while this can indeed cause glare (if the light hits the lenses), it’s usually not a significant concern. If your light seal is the wrong size then that you will have real problems, with light being able to leak from the sides, but otherwise it should be fine.

However, there is indeed glare artifacts created from the high contrast images beaming through the lenses. This can definitely be distracting for some people and is noteworthy enough to criticize. It’s definitely something that I expect them to fix for v2.
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The light seal materials are thin enough to let some light through (take a flashlight to it), but you are right, this isn’t a significant concern for glare, the material blocks like 95% of it.

Right, maybe it will cause some extra glare outdoors, but it blocks light well enough even in a well-lit room. I'll take that 5% in exchange for extra breathability every time.
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It may be both. I haven't tried the AVP, but on my HTC Vive, the face cushion had small gaps on the sides so the arms of glasses could fit without being pressed into the user's face. Even those small gaps could occasionally let light through that would cause glare on the screen, in addition to glare from internal reflections.

AVP light seal, if properly fit, is doing a very good job blocking outside light, even in the nose area. But even then, when I had my Quest Pro with its open design, the external glare wasn't that much of an issue somehow.
Great review thanks for sharing! I do find it strange how many people find the Solo Loop to be so uncomfortable I have very little experience with other headsets, but can wear the Solo Loop all day, and usually find it more comfortable than the dual. Also, I find visionOS to be severely limited, which is why no other headset has ever been interesting to me (their OS for general computing are universally less complete/advanced) and I’m taking a big gamble by keeping my Vision Pro and hoping that Apple gets out of its own way and let’s visionOS thrive as more than a Mac, not just an iPad with more virtual display real estate.

For example, the headset does wrist tracking but I can’t put the time or a watch face on my wrist. I could write an app to do it but it would have to take over the whole space not live in the shared space to get wrist tracking data. That’s just one of many examples of features and software that are obvious to include limited and excluded by visionOS.

Apologies for the less than perfect Post. I’m dictating to my AVP because I’m not near a keyboard at the moment.
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(I'd love to show you footage, but Apple Vision Pro refuses to record in my home because it tells me the lighting isn't good enough. Classic Apple.)

This is a great in-depth technical video and really shows where the Vision shines but also how and why on a level nobody has done before. I have nothing but posiitve views about the Vision.

But this statement bothers me. In the same way that we cannot download mp3s onto the device from a Mac to me this represents Apple going a little bit too far in controlling the experience.

Those videos might be crap but I at least want to have a choice.
(I'd love to show you footage, but Apple Vision Pro refuses to record in my home because it tells me the lighting isn't good enough. Classic Apple.)

This is a great in-depth technical video and really shows where the Vision shines but also how and why on a level nobody has done before. I have nothing but posiitve views about the Vision.

But this statement bothers me. In the same way that we cannot download mp3s onto the device from a Mac to me this represents Apple going a little bit too far in controlling the experience.

Those videos might be crap but I at least want to have a choice.

The reviewer was wrong about this part. They thought the warning about low light meant they couldn’t record but it still lets you record. It’s always important to get the facts straight before drawing a conclusion.
The reviewer was wrong about this part. They thought the warning about low light meant they couldn’t record but it still lets you record. It’s always important to get the facts straight before drawing a conclusion.
Interesting that a review that was so thorough and comprehensible got a detail wrong. It shows how everyone is still in the process of learning how this device works.
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Interesting that a review that was so thorough and comprehensible got a detail wrong. It shows how everyone is still in the process of learning how this device works.

Indeed, I think it’s a very good review and seems to offer some great insight, especially on the hardware and the technology behind it. It is human to make mistakes, and it’s also possible they were experiencing a software issue that I have not had with recording using the device.

I do think it’s fair to say the software has room for improvement and one of my favorite parts of the review was how they talked about the way the software helps make the hardware work even better. This also means it’s possible for the software to improve the device in ways nobody expects.

For example it’s possible that in a year Apple finds a way to fix the need to periodically re-align the eye tracking for some people. They could also improve the hand tracking algorithms to try to reduce gestures being misinterpreted.

This is not only is the worst version of the Apple Vision Pro hardware that Apple will ever make, it’s also running the worst version of visionOS that they will ever make.
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The reviewer was wrong about this part. They thought the warning about low light meant they couldn’t record but it still lets you record. It’s always important to get the facts straight before drawing a conclusion.

And the only time I got this warning it was well deserved, quite dim, but yep let me take dim pictures. Surprisingly they didn't look that good lol. Most of the times even in what I would call low light, it doesn't complain. Shrugs.
Thanks for posting, what a great review. Love the way reviewer talks about problems. Design compromises, and trade offs. It’s not one of those clickbait YouTube reviews. Interesting he lists the advantages of Passthrough and why it feels better than quest, but not being suitable for outdoor use. In a nutshell, It isn’t a great gaming device, but far ahead in terms of screens, and promise of using as displays to Mac. I hope Apple gives the ability to support multiple screens on AVP. It would perfectly compliment my MBP16 on the road, or when I am not at desk.

This is reason #3 that Vision Pro can't be practically used outdoors, and why the videos you see of people doing this are influencers chasing clout, not honestly depicting a practical use case.
Indeed, I think it’s a very good review and seems to offer some great insight, especially on the hardware and the technology behind it. It is human to make mistakes, and it’s also possible they were experiencing a software issue that I have not had with recording using the device.

I do think it’s fair to say the software has room for improvement and one of my favorite parts of the review was how they talked about the way the software helps make the hardware work even better. This also means it’s possible for the software to improve the device in ways nobody expects.

For example it’s possible that in a year Apple finds a way to fix the need to periodically re-align the eye tracking for some people. They could also improve the hand tracking algorithms to try to reduce gestures being misinterpreted.

This is not only is the worst version of the Apple Vision Pro hardware that Apple will ever make, it’s also running the worst version of visionOS that they will ever make.
It’s a gen 1 product, and you can only test so much in lab. Just like iPhone and AW, I hope Apple keeps updating software and improve HW. I am not looking to buy Gen1 but can see it useful for my productivity in Gen2.
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Thanks for sharing this. Definitely the most complete review I’ve read. I was interested in the difference between Spatial Videos taken with iPhone versus Vision Pro. This article actually explains that.
Great review thanks for sharing! I do find it strange how many people find the Solo Loop to be so uncomfortable I have very little experience with other headsets, but can wear the Solo Loop all day, and usually find it more comfortable than the dual.

I suspect many variables apply to individual experiences ranging from cheek bones and nose structure, general shape of face, tolerance for tightness, etc. Those who have trouble with Solo Loop on its own probably have different facial features than those- like you- claiming no issues at all. I've seen enough praise and gripes both ways to know it MUST be something like that.
I suspect many variables apply to individual experiences ranging from cheek bones and nose structure, general shape of face, tolerance for tightness, etc. Those who have trouble with Solo Loop on its own probably have different facial features than those- like you- claiming no issues at all. I've seen enough praise and gripes both ways to know it MUST be something like that.
There’s also a huge range of what people consider “uncomfortable.” I can wear my AVP almost indefinitely, but I get a clear red line where the light seal touches my face very quickly. It’s heavy, it’s very noticeable. But I don’t consider it uncomfortable unless it actively hurts, and some people definitely seem to consider “I knew it was there” as “uncomfortable.”

Personally working/playing in the headset is often less uncomfortable than hunching over a laptop or looking down at my phone for an extended period. Even better than watching a static TV screen that can’t stay in view when I change positions. So while it’s not like wearing nothing or floating in a cloud, it’s more comfortable than the things it replaces!
Thanks for posting, what a great review. Love the way reviewer talks about problems. Design compromises, and trade offs. It’s not one of those clickbait YouTube reviews. Interesting he lists the advantages of Passthrough and why it feels better than quest, but not being suitable for outdoor use. In a nutshell, It isn’t a great gaming device, but far ahead in terms of screens, and promise of using as displays to Mac. I hope Apple gives the ability to support multiple screens on AVP. It would perfectly compliment my MBP16 on the road, or when I am not at desk.
Not just multiple screens, but allow Mac apps to live in VisionOS windows, and allow eye/touch control of the mouse/trackpad (I already find myself constantly trying to control windows on my virtual Mac with eyes and finger taps. With better app support, I’d be AVP plus keyboard with a vestigial pointing device all the way already!) and audio pass through from the Mac.

Or, you know, just let the Vision Pro boot MacOS internally, have a cell modem, measure your pulse and take phone calls so you don’t need a Vision Pro and MacBook Pro and iPhone, and watch and iPad, etc.

VisionOS can be the one to rule them all, but I don’t see today’s Apple allowing it to cannibalize their other products, so whoever gets a decent full featured headset+real OS together will eat their lunch when the time comes.

Love this hardware, even in the current state, whoever gets the software right for this type of headset will be running the largest tech company of the 21st century. Apple has the ability, and a head start, but they have to curb their worst instincts and let VisionOS fly or someone else will win.

But let’s be fair, by February 1984 there was no real way to develop Mac software on a Mac, and in July 2007 there was no way to develop for the iPhone at all. Whether you can develop for visionOS on a visionOS device in the next year or two will be very telling.

Edit to add: I can’t see myself buying an Apple device that isn’t a headset ever again. It so much better than anything else out there. But that means when my phone, laptop, etc age out if the AVP4 or whatever can’t replace them all I’m likely looking to leave the Apple ecosystem for a headset that is my phone, health tracker, TV, computer, etc all in one.
One significant disadvantage of Apple’s harsh delineation of Shared Space vs Full Space though is that you can’t multitask in Full Space apps. On Quest you can bring up the browser without minimizing the immersive app, so you could be standing next to a friend in a VR game while you quickly Google something. On Vision Pro you need to return to the Shared Space, which will make the immersive app minimized and paused until you open it again.

Ouch, I haven't heard this discussed elsewhere.
Ouch, I haven't heard this discussed elsewhere.
Yeah, really annoying and hopefully addressed in future software. Lots of stuff is locked down, it’s definitely more iPadOS than MacOS, hopefully the software is allowed to flourish but I’m not holding my breath for current Apple to ever veer towards a less restrictive OS
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