Well, the Apple store is back up and once again, a new iPad is unveiled with no accompanying leather Smart Case.
When no leather Smart Case was announced at the iPad Mini 4 launch, some speculated it would be forthcoming. Today's 9.7" Pro announcement would appear to quash those hopes.
Sure, there are pleather knockoffs, but the fit is seldom perfect, and the "smart" magnets are often "dumb".
The silicone back and smart cover combo fits and works well, but lacks the look of leather, and is oddly more expensive by quite a bit.
A sad day for Apple leather case fans. Let's hope they reconsider...
When no leather Smart Case was announced at the iPad Mini 4 launch, some speculated it would be forthcoming. Today's 9.7" Pro announcement would appear to quash those hopes.
Sure, there are pleather knockoffs, but the fit is seldom perfect, and the "smart" magnets are often "dumb".
The silicone back and smart cover combo fits and works well, but lacks the look of leather, and is oddly more expensive by quite a bit.
A sad day for Apple leather case fans. Let's hope they reconsider...