I've just completed my Classic Era Doctor Who DVD collection - yay. 150-odd DVDs featuring 48min-240min of SD video footage each (plus some higher quality extras).
My task now is to rip them to a digital format with 2 goals:
1) Archiving, in case the DVDs rot/etc
2) Viewing on an original AppleTV (jailbroken with NitoTV)
I am hoping that the 2 goals are in fact universal... but essentially I am seeking the BEST picture I can obtain, which to my mind means as close to ZERO transcoding as possible. HDD space is NOT an issue here.
I know I can rip the discs "intact" straight to HDD, and the Gen1 AppleTV can play them.- just like putting the disc in a player... but the main user will be my brother, who has Down Syndrome. As such, I am hoping to replicate the current setup I built for him, which is to say - 1 file representing each story, with cover-art to assist his selection. That way, there's no DVD menus/etc to negotiate.
Everyone has been telling me to just use Handbrake... and I had a go - MPG4, large file, H.264, RF:20, deinterlaced... And the result was very good! But... Before I embark on 300-odd hours of digitising, I thought I'd ask the question one more time to see what other answers I may drag out of people...
I have a small budget if I need to buy software...
What are your thoughts?
I've just completed my Classic Era Doctor Who DVD collection - yay. 150-odd DVDs featuring 48min-240min of SD video footage each (plus some higher quality extras).
My task now is to rip them to a digital format with 2 goals:
1) Archiving, in case the DVDs rot/etc
2) Viewing on an original AppleTV (jailbroken with NitoTV)
I am hoping that the 2 goals are in fact universal... but essentially I am seeking the BEST picture I can obtain, which to my mind means as close to ZERO transcoding as possible. HDD space is NOT an issue here.
I know I can rip the discs "intact" straight to HDD, and the Gen1 AppleTV can play them.- just like putting the disc in a player... but the main user will be my brother, who has Down Syndrome. As such, I am hoping to replicate the current setup I built for him, which is to say - 1 file representing each story, with cover-art to assist his selection. That way, there's no DVD menus/etc to negotiate.
Everyone has been telling me to just use Handbrake... and I had a go - MPG4, large file, H.264, RF:20, deinterlaced... And the result was very good! But... Before I embark on 300-odd hours of digitising, I thought I'd ask the question one more time to see what other answers I may drag out of people...
I have a small budget if I need to buy software...
What are your thoughts?