There aren't any rumors of any 14" machines -- it would be a little awkward as-is, with 13" and 15" MBPs in the lineup, especially factoring in pricing.
how is it any less awkward than having 3 different machines at 13 inches right now? (MBP rMBP and MBA)
what Apple will likely do is to get rid of the Air line.
so do this
rMB: 12 and 14
rMBP: 13 and 15
how is it any less awkward than having 3 different machines at 13 inches right now? (MBP rMBP and MBA)
what Apple will likely do is to get rid of the Air line.
so do this
rMB: 12 and 14
rMBP: 13 and 15
Why would Apple get rid of the MBAir. It is their ONLY high performance lightweight laptop. The MB needs to do do growing up before it can replace a well configured MBAir.
Not all of us are screaming for retina.
Why would Apple get rid of the MBAir. It is their ONLY high performance lightweight laptop. The MB needs to do do growing up before it can replace a well configured MBAir. Not all of us are screaming for retina.
Those who actually need more power would benefit from getting a rMBP over a MacBook Air anyway, and it's still plenty thin/light while it even has a smaller footprint. A future slimming-down of the rMBPs is definitely a possibility.
The display on the Air is looking very outdated by today's standards. It's not even IPS quality.
The Air is a proper general purpose laptop.. The MB is for ultra portability and is definitely not a general purpose laptop.
The MBA is the red headed stepchild of apple's line up. I can see apple doing away with the MBA line now that they have this baby.
To put it another way, why didn't they just call this rMB a rMBA? I mean it has the same wedge design, albeit thinner, but it looks more like an MBA then anything else. So I think their plans for the MBA will be a lot different then what they have for this line.
Most likely. They would need a price difference between the 12" and 14", and I don't think many people could stomach a 1599$ Macbook with 2-3 ports..If a 14" rMB does come it will likely be after a price drop on the 12" and the discontinuation of the MacBook Air.
Define "general purpose". Web browsing/email, media consumption, and office tasks all can be done fine on the rMB. Video editing/gaming, maybe not, but those are tasks better suited to a rMBP rather than a MBA anyway.
If Apple kills the MBA it would force many to a larger and more powerful laptop as the new MB will not cut it for many. Not saying the new MB is bad but the lack of ports and an SD card slot is a negative for me. I do not want to carry a pocket of doggles with me either.
Todays MBAir hits the sweet spot for me, I would likely have to go back to the MBPro13 but I am sure that Apple will put it on a "thin" diet soon.
All for the sake of thin![]()
If Apple kills the MBA it would force many to a larger and more powerful laptop as the new MB will not cut it for many. Not saying the new MB is bad but the lack of ports and an SD card slot is a negative for me. I do not want to carry a pocket of doggles with me either.
Todays MBAir hits the sweet spot for me, I would likely have to go back to the MBPro13 but I am sure that Apple will put it on a "thin" diet soon.
All for the sake of thin![]()
Considering the small screen of the 2015 Macbook and the fact that Apple always provides us with the choice of two screen sizes per model, what is the chance we will see a 14 inch version of the Macbook?
A 14 inch Macbook would be the perfect replacement for the current 13 inch Air. It will have more battery life, a better screen though a smaller footprint and less weight.
Considering the small screen of the 2015 Macbook and the fact that Apple always provides us with the choice of two screen sizes per model, what is the chance we will see a 14 inch version of the Macbook?
A 14 inch Macbook would be the perfect replacement for the current 13 inch Air. It will have more battery life, a better screen though a smaller footprint and less weight.