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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 12, 2015

I am looking to purchase my very first rMBP and I don't know which one to purchase: the 128gb or 256gb?
I have a couple of songs in my itunes, but I don't think it'll take up too much space. I also don't have any movies/videos stored in my current desktop. Also, I don't keep a lot of photos on my current desktop. Although I will be keeping a lot of documents because of school- I am currently in high school and I wish to use the rMBP for my post-secondary education, which is not until 2018. (I want to take up marine biology or virology- if that means anything in regards to my purchase of a rMBP)

As of the moment, I am leaning towards the 128gb, but I am very indecisive! What do you think?

Mike in Kansas

macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2008
Metro Kansas City
Just be aware that you can't upgrade the SSD on these Macs as easy as you can on older machines. You can't just drop in a standard SATA-based SSD; instead you have to replace it with another Apple blade SSD that was pulled from another machine. So be sure that you are comfortable with 128GB in the long haul -OR- be prepared to upgrade to a new MBP once you fill the SSD.


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2010
OR- be prepared to upgrade to a new MBP once you fill the SSD.

Or he/she could simply delete old files, or transfer the not so important files to an external drive. You are never going to need 100+ gig's on any given day so it is definitely manageable for the average consumer. A lot of people tend to buy the bigger hard drive option, but what usually happens is they'll fill 75% of the drive's capacity and only actually use 25% of it. Everything else is just wasted space that will probably hardly, or never be used again.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I had an old laptop with 128GB a few years ago, and that was a royal pain. I can only imagine the issue has amplified over the years. I'd definitely go with the 256GB storage option.

Mike in Kansas

macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2008
Metro Kansas City
Or he/she could simply delete old files, or transfer the not so important files to an external drive. You are never going to need 100+ gig's on any given day so it is definitely manageable for the average consumer. A lot of people tend to buy the bigger hard drive option, but what usually happens is they'll fill 75% of the drive's capacity and only actually use 25% of it. Everything else is just wasted space that will probably hardly, or never be used again.
I put a 128GB SSD into a 2008 iMac some years ago, as at the time that was all I was willing to spend on an SSD. I couldn't bring myself to spend so much more compared to the cheap spinning platter disks it was replacing. Plus, I told myself, I had TBs of external storage so why did I need an internal drive larger than 126GB?

Well, it didn't take me too long to realize that I enjoyed the speed that the SSD provided, not just for applications but in accessing files, images, etc. I was spending more time constantly keeping that drive clean, as well as moving stuff back and forth trying to optimize my storage. It got replaced with a 256GB drive in less than a year.

OP - heed most people's advice, and go larger than what you think you'll need. This is especially true in a laptop, where you don't always want to carry an extra drive along with you AND even more so in an Apple laptop that currently has a very poor upgrade path.
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