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macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
It's not quite that cheap unless you don't value the time you put in managing it (ripping, tagging etc)

as I explained above, - after learning to efficiently cope with ripping & converting - the time needed for the entire project is 1-2 minutes a disc. (Of course, this doesn't contain the time of the actual, but unattended, ripping / compression.)


macrumors regular
Mar 23, 2014
Apple gonna Roku your Boatu :p

Google has no focus, Samsung has no class and Roku has no idea.
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macrumors member
Mar 4, 2014
I have 3 apple tv's and 1 Roku. I used to have three Rokus and 1 appletv. never used them with an ipad or an iphone. 'nuff said!


macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2007
Accessory for an iPad? Is he just completely ignoring the iPhone market? Most likely he is because it is a lot scarier for Roku once Apple puts out something slightly better.

I have a Roku and it works pretty well. The biggest annoyance is the one thing that AirPlay/Chromecast both solve - playing something from my phone. There are channels on the Roku that allow for phone streaming, but they are no where near as slick and well implemented as just hititng AirPlay on anything on the iPhone or using chromecast with Netflix/Youtube. And then there is local content which Apple TV completely dominates. Roku added a photo sharing thing to the app, but it is so slow compared to airplay.

Roku's main advantage is third party development and lower price. Once Apple finally releases a 3rd party SDK Roku will be struggling.

Then you have not used a roku for awhile.

It streams music, video, pictures right out of the box right from your iphone or ipad or android device. No apps required. Has a bluetooth remote with built in ear phones. Has a far more powerful dual core cpu. Allows for memory expansion sd cards and hds.

User interface is cleaner and easier to use and much faster. Has a universal search function. Way more content. Has apps.

There is literally nothing other than airplay ATV does better than the roku 3. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.

Yes i love Apple. I have apple everything. But i know enough when a product is better. Not just better but far better.

Wake up. Dont blindly follow just because it has a Apple logo on it. The roku ceo made that statement because he knows his product is far superior. And that the only thing ATV has over it is airplay. Which has been diminished with roku being able to play all your videos, music and pictures like airplay.

Wake up.
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macrumors regular
Mar 23, 2014
Why does everyone think their opinion overrides all others, and is always the "right" one the internet? LOL.



macrumors 6502
Jan 23, 2010
Collegeville, PA
I am heading over to a friends house tonight to watch American Hustle. Just transfer it to my iPhone, then airplay it to his Apple TV. Totally convenient!


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
Then you have not used a roku for awhile.

Why use it at all? I looked at their site. I see nothing interesting about it at all except the ability to play MKV files. Of course, it's hard to tell if it can do certain things since their web site is HORRIBLE. You click on tech specs and you expect to find out some real information, but they tell you almost nothing about it. You have to click on the quickstart guide to see what the ports are on it even. Does it do DTS? Who knows. It doesn't say. Will it play M$ WMA files? I can't tell. It doesn't say so.

There is no model I see that has component output. It's either RCA or HDMI. That's ridiculous. My 1st Gen AppleTVs with a CrystalHD card added can do 720p over component and 1080p over HDMI (e.g. my mother's old Panasonic 57" projection tv that still works great 15 years later can do 1080i,720p,480p,480i all in their native modes, but it's component only and she doesn't want to upgrade until it breaks since it still works fine (and cost $5500 in 1999 so she wants her money's worth).

A 1st Gen ATV can not only do component as well as HDMI and can have its hard drive upgraded to an internal 1TB if desired. With XBMC easily added, it can run virtually any file format out there, supports full DTS playback (even the ATV menus will play DTS Audio CDs correctly). With RemoteHD added, it supports full video Airplay as well. It doesn't do Netflix, etc. but almost everything else out there already does it anyway (e.g. almost all BD players, for example and I couldn't care less about things like HBO apps, although they could be played through Airplay as well).

The bottom line is that no Roku player can do Airplay or Component video, making it worthless, IMO. Why Airplay? Forget the convenience of almost every iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad on the planet still in service being able to easily send the output to it directly, but also newer Macs can output their displays directly to ATV2 and ATV3 units, allowing you to run virtually anything a Mac can use on them directly. For example, in combination with a Playstation3 bluetooth game pad, I can play any number of Mac games (including most Steam Play ones) on a TV on the other side of the house through AppleTV. For example, I played The Cave the other day on a 47" plasma in the living room as if I were on my Mac Mini in the den. Similarly, a newer Macbook Pro can output its display directly to an AppleTV equipped display of any size including massive projectors without any wires, giving you potentially massive monitor capability anywhere there's an AppleTV Gen2 or Gen3. No Roku device can do that for you.

AppleTV devices sync directly to your iTunes library, both on your computer server and also in the Cloud with newer models, making any library items you might already own through iTunes instantly available with or without a server. It is a simple matter to run a whole house audio/video system that can even sync audio to all the rooms at once. You can even control the audio output to another unit in another room from any AppleTV or use any iOS device ever made including 1st Gen to control the whole house with the Remote App. Can Roku sync whole house audio? No, you'd need to look into Sonos to do that while avoiding Apple.

The next Gen AppleTV about to come out will supposedly support direct gaming, apps and a more powerful unit. If so, direct support for XBMC on such a model would make Roku moot, IMO.

There is literally nothing other than airplay ATV does better than the roku 3. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.


Wake Up.

Clearly, you haven't made much effort to consider that as my post has shown and so your post looks a bit ridiculous ranting and raving without knowing all the facts and needs of different individuals.

Are there uses for Roku? Sure. Will it better fit some people's needs, especially right now? Sure. Do I feel the need to tell everyone what unit to buy for their own personal use and to "wake up" like they're all ignorant or something? No. Let them make their own minds up. I'm simply pointing out features your Roku box can't do.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 30, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
I have had an ATV2 that died and have an ATV3 since (almost) release.

The product is ok. Its more of an extension of iTunes than anything. I cant get any of the streaming services (legally) in my country so thats out.

The best thing about it is the remote app on iOS. I'm going to be getting another device soon for my lounge as I have moved my ATV into my bedroom and my PS4/One doesn't do DLNA yet.


macrumors regular
Sep 10, 2008
I feel bad for Roku because of Apple's monster marketing machine. Pretty much any time Apple has announced an update to ATV in the past it's been to bring something to ATV that Roku has had for a long time. Even with the glowing Roku reviews from tech blogs there are a lot of people in Apple/Amazon/Google bubbles that don't see the competition.

I always thought the rule about not mentioning your competitors was if you were top dog. If you are an underdog then it's fine. (Thinking of all the Mac vs PC Ads in the recent past ;) )

Ya, there would be no reason for Apple to mention any competitors now because they are already on top. All you're doing is giving the smaller guy free publicity. Roku, on the other hand, is the smaller guy, so mentioning Apple (and taking a potshot at them) actually gets you a little traction.


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2002
Tokyo, Japan
This is why i prefer the Roku currently over Apple TV myself.

I use Roku exclusively for Plex.

And I use Plex exclusively for what you're talking about. I buy my bluerays, RIP them to my Plex server, and can use Plex to watch that media in full 1080p straight from my own hard drive, DRM free to any Plex or DLNA compatible device in the house. That means, Roku's, iPads, Androids, Blackberries, Xbox's, Playstations.

You guys go out of your way to tell us how you PURCHASE your media. As if that somehow makes things right. You are not allowed to RIP media off of a Blu-Ray whether you own it or not and whether you believe it is morally correct or not. That decision is not up to you it is up to the movie studios and they have made it abundantly clear where they stand on the question. You have crossed the line. Just as the "Pirates" have. Welcome to the dark side.


macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005

Roku is not a bad device. My brother has it and loves it.

I have a PS3 so don't see any point to Apple TV until it has apps and can allow me to do more - like stream videos from iPhoto (maybe it can, last I heard it could not) and give me access to channels Apple has not yet signed up. When the Apple TV has an appstore it will be great, until then it does too little to justify adding it to a PS3 or other device (or smart TV for that matter).


macrumors 68020
Jul 23, 2010
I dunno, somewhere in West Texas
I never really understood the fascination with the set top box that's not a cable box. Most people already have gaming consoles that can do that and more. If I want something on the go, I just use chromecast. Set top boxes (ATV, Roku) are all a waste of money in my opinion.

Now, If the new ATV comes out with games and the App Store, then that's a game changer.


macrumors member
Oct 12, 2005
Well of course this guy is gonna trash-talk a competitor. You know he's not being completely honest when he starts making up things like how Apple TV is merely an "iPad accessory."

I don't know Roku so I won't comment on the offering. But Apple TV for our family is a lot less about our iPads and a lot more about our digital movie and TV library. We even class our home movies as a TV show, with each edited piece being an episode. With an Apple TV on every TV in our home, I catch kids and my wife watching home movies all the time. The device has done a lot for us.

Just sayin' ...

I think he's being honest. He honestly believes what he is saying, but honestly he doesn't know what he's talking about. A typical paper-pushing CEO?

I heard a lot of good things about Roku 3. I read the reviews and it doesn't appeal to me. Since we don't have cable, and subscribe only to Netflix, and use an antenna for our TV, the functionality which others tout for Roku doesn't apply to us. What does apply is our music and private movies and pictures are available on the Apple TV, airplay works, access to iTunes, and the ability to mirror my MBP on the TV through Apple TV.

For others, perhaps Roku is the better product. If so, go for it.


macrumors 68020
Aug 11, 2009
Care to explain how Roku is making money on hardware, and Apple isn't?

Roku has been iterating hardware much faster than Apple has for their tv product. They have made it clear they make money on hardware. They make very little on app sales as most apps are free on the Roku platform. Apple is not the only company able to succeed at supply chain management.


Ya, there would be no reason for Apple to mention any competitors now because they are already on top. All you're doing is giving the smaller guy free publicity. Roku, on the other hand, is the smaller guy, so mentioning Apple (and taking a potshot at them) actually gets you a little traction.

Apple is not on top when it comes to set top boxes (Rokus out number them). They are near the top in media consumption though. So saying they are on top is a bit of stretch unless you specify what exactly.


macrumors regular
May 6, 2011
Never actually had ATV, but just from the pictures - Roku looks like overweight ATV. Just sayin', girl's got some curves.

The Roku 3 is smaller and lighter than the aTV. Just saying'. I think most people opinions here are skewed because you're almost all happy to be locked up in the iTunes/Apple ecosystem. The Roku is an alternative to that. It plays nice with everything and it doesn't try to lock you into supporting only a specific list of formats. I very seriously doubt the aTV makes a billion a year in sales for Apple, everything purchased works with everything inside Apple's ecosystem. There's absolutely no way that the aTV has been the sole push that made people buy a billion in content from Apple, I'd say it barely makes a dent in media purchases from iTunes to be viewed specifically on that one device. That's clever misdirection as far as I'm concerned. I've met or known exactly zero people that own an aTV and the couple hundred times I've been in an Apple store I've seen exactly zero people looking at, talking about or purchasing an aTV. That's obviously anecdotal evidence, but I've seen far more devices sold in Apple stores that people buy to watch/listen to content on than an aTV. They don't make nearly a billion in sales for Apple, I call that completely BS misdirection. If they aren't buying content directly from and directly for the aTV then it doesn't generate a billion in sales, it's merely capable of playing the billion in sales that iTunes generates. The two are not the same thing.

I have no interest in an aTV because it does nothing that the Roku 3 can't that I'm interested in, and the Roku 3 has far more flexibility built in. The headphone feature in the remote is fantastic. The support for more than a couple of Apple specific video and music formats is really nice. The complete lack of being able to play iTunes content on it is not it's fault, it's Apple being stupid and restricting their content to their devices. I love my iPhone, my iPad and my Macbook, but I don't buy content that I can't use on anything that I want. Even free movies downloaded through iTunes won't work on anything but Apple stuff. That's unforgivable in my eyes. The Roku is a fantastic alternative and it works beautifully. Just because you people that are happy being locked into the Apple ecosystem don't want one doesn't make it a bad product and your ridiculous little quips show just how completely irrelevant your opinion is. It's biased, it's childish and it's pretty much factually incorrect. Just because you guys locked in don't like it doesn't mean it isn't a great alternative. Confirmation bias makes those statements literally worthless.


Most people already have gaming consoles that can do that and more.

People are starting to get really pissed off that they have to pay to enable those features. I'm one of them. I literally gave away my 360 because I got tired of paying Microsoft for the opportunity to watch someone else's content on their platform. That kind of BS is dying, fast. I bought a Roku 3 with the money I'd waste on Gold and couldn't be happier. It's faster, I don't pay anyone a dime to access anything on top of the normal subscription and I can't watch damn near anything I want on it with zero issue. I've spent less time building my Plex library out of content I already own and adding what I purchase from places other than iTunes which don't saddle everything with DRM ******** than I have trying to constantly fix my effed up iTunes library every time I try to sync a device or download new content. I've had to completely rebuild my iTunes library three times in the last year because it randomly deletes metadata or splits albums up into three or four parts and scatters them everywhere. Plex doesn't have that issue. I love Plex and the Roku is an awesome aTV competitor.


The Roku is nice in terms of sheer channel selection as are some of the bells and whistles added with updates. Roku loses points with me for most of the update niceties targeted only toward the flagship version of late. There are something like 4 versions and only the most expensive one seems to gain features. As for my AppleTVs, they are the 720p versions and do what they do very well with updates gaining nice features even though they are no longer the flagship models. If you are invested in the Apple/iTunes ecosystem, and unless Roku has come channel(s) you desperately want, I believe the AppleTV is the obvious choice unless price is key. In which case, prepare to be disappointed with some Roku updates that leave you feeling like the proverbial redheaded stepchild.

I must ask if you hold the same things against literally every product Apple makes. They are by far the most guilty of doing exactly this.


macrumors member
Jul 18, 2010
As someone who owns both, I think the Roku stomps all over AppleTV. AppleTV has lots of potential - but that's it - unrealized potential.


macrumors 68020
Jul 23, 2010
I dunno, somewhere in West Texas
The Roku 3 is smaller and lighter than the aTV. Just saying'. I think most people opinions here are skewed because you're almost all happy to be locked up in the iTunes/Apple ecosystem. The Roku is an alternative to that. It plays nice with everything and it doesn't try to lock you into supporting only a specific list of formats. I very seriously doubt the aTV makes a billion a year in sales for Apple, everything purchased works with everything inside Apple's ecosystem. There's absolutely no way that the aTV has been the sole push that made people buy a billion in content from Apple, I'd say it barely makes a dent in media purchases from iTunes to be viewed specifically on that one device. That's clever misdirection as far as I'm concerned. I've met or known exactly zero people that own an aTV and the couple hundred times I've been in an Apple store I've seen exactly zero people looking at, talking about or purchasing an aTV. That's obviously anecdotal evidence, but I've seen far more devices sold in Apple stores that people buy to watch/listen to content on than an aTV. They don't make nearly a billion in sales for Apple, I call that completely BS misdirection. If they aren't buying content directly from and directly for the aTV then it doesn't generate a billion in sales, it's merely capable of playing the billion in sales that iTunes generates. The two are not the same thing.

I have no interest in an aTV because it does nothing that the Roku 3 can't that I'm interested in, and the Roku 3 has far more flexibility built in. The headphone feature in the remote is fantastic. The support for more than a couple of Apple specific video and music formats is really nice. The complete lack of being able to play iTunes content on it is not it's fault, it's Apple being stupid and restricting their content to their devices. I love my iPhone, my iPad and my Macbook, but I don't buy content that I can't use on anything that I want. Even free movies downloaded through iTunes won't work on anything but Apple stuff. That's unforgivable in my eyes. The Roku is a fantastic alternative and it works beautifully. Just because you people that are happy being locked into the Apple ecosystem don't want one doesn't make it a bad product and your ridiculous little quips show just how completely irrelevant your opinion is. It's biased, it's childish and it's pretty much factually incorrect. Just because you guys locked in don't like it doesn't mean it isn't a great alternative. Confirmation bias makes those statements literally worthless.


People are starting to get really pissed off that they have to pay to enable those features. I'm one of them. I literally gave away my 360 because I got tired of paying Microsoft for the opportunity to watch someone else's content on their platform. That kind of BS is dying, fast. I bought a Roku 3 with the money I'd waste on Gold and couldn't be happier. It's faster, I don't pay anyone a dime to access anything on top of the normal subscription and I can't watch damn near anything I want on it with zero issue. I've spent less time building my Plex library out of content I already own and adding what I purchase from places other than iTunes which don't saddle everything with DRM ******** than I have trying to constantly fix my effed up iTunes library every time I try to sync a device or download new content. I've had to completely rebuild my iTunes library three times in the last year because it randomly deletes metadata or splits albums up into three or four parts and scatters them everywhere. Plex doesn't have that issue. I love Plex and the Roku is an awesome aTV competitor.


I must ask if you hold the same things against literally every product Apple makes. They are by far the most guilty of doing exactly this.

I guess in a roundabout way you've answered my question. Most people probably don't have a gaming subscription already paid for so they look at a Roku expense like a gold subscription. Same difference then, most gamers or people who use their consoles for what they're meant for view a subscription as a given, so you're actually paying the subscription directly to the content providers. There is no middleman between. Plus a console offers so much more. If I've already invested in a xbox one which pretty much has every concept of a set top box nailed down to a tee plus extras, why would I want to spend money on wasting another HDMI port?


Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York
The majority of the content available on Roku is complete dreck and Roku's user interface is crap.


I never really understood the fascination with the set top box that's not a cable box. Most people already have gaming consoles that can do that and more. If I want something on the go, I just use chromecast. Set top boxes (ATV, Roku) are all a waste of money in my opinion.

Now, If the new ATV comes out with games and the App Store, then that's a game changer.

Chromecast is lame, c'mon. It doesn't even have half of what AppleTV has. Hell I'd even rather have a Roku than Chromecrap.


macrumors 65816
Dec 16, 2010
I guess in a roundabout way you've answered my question. Most people probably don't have a gaming subscription already paid for so they look at a Roku expense like a gold subscription. Same difference then, most gamers or people who use their consoles for what they're meant for view a subscription as a given, so you're actually paying the subscription directly to the content providers. There is no middleman between. Plus a console offers so much more. If I've already invested in a xbox one which pretty much has every concept of a set top box nailed down to a tee plus extras, why would I want to spend money on wasting another HDMI port?

What I think is missing is people don't want to pay netflix then have to pay micorsoft to use netflix which they already pay for just to watch it on there tv when there are so many other ways to do that.


May 3, 2012
An accessory to the iPad? I don't have an iPad and I use it all the time. It streams Netflix far better than my "Smart TV" does and the UI is far less annoying to get around as well (although I do wish Apple would update the UI already). It's more like an accessory to my Mac laptop and iMac... I stream movies and music to my theater system daily... or just display things on the big TV without cables. I've even played games from the iPhone to the TV. It's hardly just an "accessory"... it does quite a lot.


macrumors regular
May 6, 2011
I guess in a roundabout way you've answered my question. Most people probably don't have a gaming subscription already paid for so they look at a Roku expense like a gold subscription.

I look at it as saving money rather than the same expense. It's a one time expense and it lasts for the entire life of the Roku, you have to keep paying microsoft every year just to make the Xbox do anything. Without a Gold sub it does very, very little in terms of entertainment. I have no issue paying for online stuff as far as the games go, but that's it. There's no reason they should charge for all the extras. Paying a monthly sub for their offerings doesn't bother me one bit. It's that they force you to pay for the whole thing to get access to stuff you may not care for. All or nothing is not something I'm interested in because I don't care to hear the awful comments that come with Xbox Live gaming. It's not a good experience all around.

Same difference then, most gamers or people who use their consoles for what they're meant for view a subscription as a given, so you're actually paying the subscription directly to the content providers.

I can find nothing where Microsoft pays any company, i.e. Netflix, royalties for their walled off access to online services. Being charged twice to access the same content when Microsoft has to do literally nothing to get it to you is a complete ripoff. I don't have a problem with paying for access to game servers, they have to keep them running, but they absolutely cripple the Xbox if you don't pay them each month to access other companies content. That's ********, pure and simple.

There is no middleman between.

Yes, there is. Microsoft is standing in the middle of you and the content you already pay for. Now, they are a business and I understand that, yet they are literally the only one who purposefully puts a complete paywall up on that product and you can literally do nothing other than play locally if you don't have Gold. Asking me to pay $500 for a piece of hardware and then lock everything up away from me unless I pay you even more money to access ⅔'s of it's capabilities is a slap in the face. That's why I no longer own one and instead spent my money on something else instead of stupidly paying Microsoft a cover fee to see what I'd already paid for.

Plus a console offers so much more. If I've already invested in a xbox one which pretty much has every concept of a set top box nailed down to a tee plus extras, why would I want to spend money on wasting another HDMI port?

That's your choice, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you're getting completely ripped off. You seem to be okay with it so there's really nothing much more to say I guess. Really the only thing I can ask you is if you'd be happy paying Sony a monthly fee to watch Netflix on your TV every month on top of paying Netflix. I seriously doubt you'd be fine paying Sony so you could watch content on the TV you already paid for. If you're okay with that, then all I can say is that you don't understand the value of your money and why you shouldn't waste it like that.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
You guys go out of your way to tell us how you PURCHASE your media. As if that somehow makes things right. You are not allowed to RIP media off of a Blu-Ray whether you own it or not and whether you believe it is morally correct or not. That decision is not up to you it is up to the movie studios and they have made it abundantly clear where they stand on the question. You have crossed the line. Just as the "Pirates" have. Welcome to the dark side.

I think someone needs to learn the difference between a "law" and what is "right" before they spout off about what is "right" as opposed to what is merely "legal". Germany had laws to turn in your Jewish neighbor. Good people ignore morally wrong laws and know the difference between what is moral, ethical and right and what is merely "law". Law is a word for someone trying to push their will onto someone else. Morality is treating others as you would be treated yourself. The latter is godly. The former can be good, evil or just a load of BS. "Lawful" people obey laws without question, whether good, neutral or evil. "Neutral Good" people only obey laws that make sense and ignore evil laws entirely. Evil people only look after their own personal desires, usually so long as they think they can get away with it, save "lawful evil" which try to manipulate the system to make their evil "lawful". The emperor in the Star Wars series of movies was "Lawful Evil". He worked within the system to ultimately legally bend the law to his will. This is why the "good" guys are the REBELS in the series because the law was EVIL. And yet THEY were the "dark side" in the series, not the rebels.


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
People are starting to get really pissed off that they have to pay to enable those features. I'm one of them. I literally gave away my 360 because I got tired of paying Microsoft for the opportunity to watch someone else's content on their platform. That kind of BS is dying, fast.

You describe the reason I bought an ATV. I was watching Netflix on my XBox 360 but was tired of paying for the XBox LIVE Gold subscription. Didn't do much online gaming, especially when it was such a bad experience for Left4Dead 2 so Netflix was all I was buying it for. I looked at all the devices, including the Roku, and decided with all my other Apple products it could work with and my BluRay player that could get the channels the ATV didn't, the Roku didn't make sense for me. Pay $99 once vs a yearly subscription for a device with a better UI and more features that work with all my Macs. An easy decision.
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