I commend you for having the talent to do this. I would likely botch it. I think it would be interesting seeing a completed piece in person.
I think it would be interesting to see as well.
If you remember, a few years back there was a company that provided a similar service for Mac products.
You could send your iMac G5 (or was it the core2duo series) and Mac portable computers to be colorized.
They also offered the option of buying new systems that they'd already colored, with a warranty provided by themselves.
Personally, the colors weren't to my liking. But the results looked nice.
There is a market. But it's not huge.
Personally, I prefer authentic metal colors. Like realistic gold and silver bar colors.
With a gloss, they are beautiful natural colors.
If done right, paint can look like polished precious metals.
Apple's basic color options aren't bad. But they clearly aren't gold and silver.
Rose gold isn't really gold color. In fact, most colors we call gold, really aren't gold colored. Just shades nearer to gold than they are to other colors.
At the same time, if you want a nice finish, care should be taken to avoid the gawdy look that larger yellow gold jewelry pieces have. Some goes so far to appear worth the ridiculous price, that it begins to look like junk jewelry.