I accidentally realised I am facing WiFi download speed problems on my iPhone7+.
For sometime now my iPhone was slow when opening email, surfing the web, using instagram etc.- not all the time, occasionally. It would seem to struggle for a while and after sometime it would pick-up again.
Yesterday I was connected to a different network. I was trying to do some work and realised that my iPad was downloading fine over wifi while my iPhone was acting-up.
So I started running speed tests and realised that my iPhone was downloading at erratic speeds. One time it would download at max speed. After repeating the test a couple of times things started to become weird - the download speed would become erratic and, on occasion, drop even under 0,2Mbps. It would struggle a while and then sometimes the speed would pick up while others it would just keep on struggling.
At the same time my ALL other devices (iPads, MBP etc) were downloading at max speeds so it wasn't the router or the connection.
I have tried to reset network settings to no avail. I started a search and found that several people were experiencing the same problem - some with 6s, some with X, some with 11... They ones with 5GHz routers reported they solved their problem by switching to 5GHz - so, they claimed, the problem is with the 2.4GHz channels.
Came across a post in Apple forums suggesting to deactivate Bluetooth and then trying again. MAGIC! Download speeds returned to normal. SHOCKING!
I am under the impression that it might have something to do with personal hotspots or Bluetooth issues that were widely reported (and that 13.2.3 is supposed to fix)
For sometime now my iPhone was slow when opening email, surfing the web, using instagram etc.- not all the time, occasionally. It would seem to struggle for a while and after sometime it would pick-up again.
Yesterday I was connected to a different network. I was trying to do some work and realised that my iPad was downloading fine over wifi while my iPhone was acting-up.
So I started running speed tests and realised that my iPhone was downloading at erratic speeds. One time it would download at max speed. After repeating the test a couple of times things started to become weird - the download speed would become erratic and, on occasion, drop even under 0,2Mbps. It would struggle a while and then sometimes the speed would pick up while others it would just keep on struggling.
At the same time my ALL other devices (iPads, MBP etc) were downloading at max speeds so it wasn't the router or the connection.
I have tried to reset network settings to no avail. I started a search and found that several people were experiencing the same problem - some with 6s, some with X, some with 11... They ones with 5GHz routers reported they solved their problem by switching to 5GHz - so, they claimed, the problem is with the 2.4GHz channels.
Came across a post in Apple forums suggesting to deactivate Bluetooth and then trying again. MAGIC! Download speeds returned to normal. SHOCKING!
I am under the impression that it might have something to do with personal hotspots or Bluetooth issues that were widely reported (and that 13.2.3 is supposed to fix)
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