This looks good to me. I wish listed it for now as I am busy with other stuff but I will pick it up on a sale some time and maybe in the meantime it'll make its way to GOG. There's another one too that that looks good called, "The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians" which is on both Steam and the Mac App Store. This one uses a trinity of classes mechanic like an MMO (tank, healer, dps) which sounds cool to me but then I have enjoyed a lot of time in MMOs in the past so maybe that's why I find that appealing.
I just learned about both of these titles earlier today actually when I read a little of a thread complaining about GOG rejecting the former title for being "too niche" which really surprises me. A newly made old school dungeon crawler is too niche for GOG? Did all the old guard from the good old games days just leave or something? I hope not.