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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 15, 2012
Goole, UK
So I've just upgraded to Safari 15. Go to 'customise toolbar' to put my favourite buttons in the top and no matter what I do it will not allow me to put the 'forward/back' buttons there, but will everything else.

Was literally saying to my colleagues as I was installing it 'I wonder what they've broken on this version' and I found out in the first five seconds of using it.
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Just installed and now most of the Apple website doesn't work. No animations or video...just empty pages. Any ideas?
Already restarted the Mac
Is the hotkey CMD + L (to jump to edit top URL address) not working for anyone else by any chance?
I noticed that sometimes the close (x) button on a tab does not exist, i have to right click to close it.
Is everyone else experiencing this...?

Safari 15 - switching from main/first set of tabs to one of the groups, opens up and duplicates the tab I'm on in the main/first set of tabs.​

As I said, there's the main set of tabs (not calling it groups, because it's above the groups in the sidebar and it appears that this set does not sync with other devices. I have gmail open in a pinned tab there and another tab or two. When I click over from this set of tabs to one of my Tab Groups, it seems to recreate the last tab I was on in the main/first set. Anyone else seeing this? Am I doing something wrong?
Scrolling is overall noticeably choppier on a 16gb M1 Air with no backgroud programs running, few open tabs, extensions disabled, if compared to 14.1.2
Happy camper now that I am using Edge for 2 hours!. Safari 15 gave me a sudden attack of anger over the new design and I found it slower to load any kind of old and new websites, both on my mac and my iphone. I hate to change browser, is worse than a divorce!, but this night I have given a chance to MS Edge. So far more customizable and feels snappier for some reason than Safari on my iMac.
I will use both browsers for a while and report later. But so far I am really, very pleased. I have not used a MS browser since forever, not on my work PC, nor on my iMac but this time it seems a decent alternative.
Now to try to sync tabs between devices and access my google account for youtube etc.
Install it and test Safari vs Edge or other browsers on Free online browser speed test - SPEED BATTLE ( (I am not affiliated, just wanted to verify my impression about loading speed, check for your self for your case).
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From the wide variety of complaints, it seems as if Apple's quality control is, for all intents and purposes, nil these days.
I don't have any problems posted in this thread. I'm even happily using Compact design now. Keep in mind that likely only persons who're having problem will post. People who doesn't have will have no reason to do so, so it always skews.

The one I have is Tab Groups don't sync with iOS 15? Do we have to wait until Monterey for them to sync?
CPU Spikes!

Safari has begun consuming all available CPU and stays at 99.9% unattended. It works fine for first few minutes after reboot but after a few minutes of use it spikes. Symptoms include hangs, choppy animations, etc etc. Force quit works, Mac returns to normal operation. Chrome works fine.

After auto install of Safari 15.0
Mac OS X 11.6
Mac mini 2018, 3Ghz i5, 16GB RAM
No extensions installed
From the wide variety of complaints, it seems as if Apple's quality control is, for all intents and purposes, nil these days.
It is, at least 4 months of work and most of the issues from safari 15's first beta still exist and there are some new ones
The new design is terrible IMHO.

I tried it for 48 hours and reinstalled Big Sur just to get rid of it.

  • I really dislike website tinting - it's very distracting.
  • Removing that feature leaves tabs where - for me - the shading used for active and non-active tabs isn't clear.
  • I really don't like how the tabs bounce around more on the tab bar - I constantly had to hunt for the tab that I was looking for as it kept on shifting around too much.
  • Tab groups I didn't try, I have to admit. But I didn't like how they cluttered the UI more.
  • And basically, Safari felt that it had gone from a lean simple but elegant browser to one that is more complex.
I think it's a huge huge fail from Apple. I won't be upgrading to Monterey anytime soon.

And FYI incidentally, I find Safari on iOS 15 to be equally terrible - as well as dog slow on my XR. Happy back on 14.8 now.

And I am someone who was very happy with both Yosemite, Big Sur - and iOS 7 - so I'm good with significant changes in the UX - when it's done well. And it hasn't been this time around.
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Anyone else getting big honking cpu thrash from Safari 15.0 on macOS 11.6?

Screen Shot 2021-09-27 at 1.39.02 PM.png
The new design is terrible IMHO.

I tried it for 48 hours and reinstalled Big Sur just to get rid of it.

  • I really dislike website tinting - it's very distracting.
  • Removing that feature leaves tabs where - for me - the shading used for active and non-active tabs isn't clear.
  • I really don't like how the tabs bounce around more on the tab bar - I constantly had to hunt for the tab that I was looking for as it kept on shifting around too much.
  • Tab groups I didn't try, I have to admit. But I didn't like how they cluttered the UI more.
  • And basically, Safari felt that it had gone from a lean simple but elegant browser to one that is more complex.
I think it's a huge huge fail from Apple. I won't be upgrading to Monterey anytime soon.

And FYI incidentally, I find Safari on iOS 15 to be equally terrible - as well as dog slow on my XR. Happy back on 14.8 now.

And I am someone who was very happy with both Yosemite, Big Sur - and iOS 7 - so I'm good with significant changes in the UX - when it's done well. And it hasn't been this time around.

Hard to disagree with any of this. The tabs are just not instantly clear which one is active, which wasn't the case before.
16" MBP... CPU going crazy and battery drain is HUGE with safari 15!!
I have issues with device syncing. I run Monterey Beta on my iMac and have iOS15 on my iPhone and iPad Pro and none work. Just upgraded to S15 on my MBP15 and while sync was working on Safari 14, now everything stopped working. Tried to restart Safari syncing in iCloud, but that doesn't do the trick. On the apple discussion forum there is already a thread with others who are dealing with the same thing. None of the suggested solutions work.

Updated solution: apparently you have to go to the address bar, click, scroll all the way down and you will see your other devices and tabs there.
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