Just updated my iPad to ios8
Can I disable the autohiding toolbar in safari? It's making me sick.
Can I disable the autohiding toolbar in safari? It's making me sick.
Anyone else bothered by this.
Anyone else bothered by this.
I like it on my Retina Mini. I can understand others prefer it the old way. Really Apple should offer simple preferences for things like this 'cause different people have different tastes.
Just updated my iPad to ios8
Can I disable the autohiding toolbar in safari? It's making me sick.
It depends on your browsing style. I have several web sites that I check in on.Count me as one who likes it. Why would you guys need a stupid static toolbar hogging up screen real estate you could be using for reading?
Anyone else bothered by this.
Just download chrome. Jesus.
I tend to use Safari to browse forums on the iPad, while using apps on the iPhone. It's now not as easy to bounce between 5-10 sites on the iPad, need to always now unhide the bar. The favorites bar is for favorites, shouldn't need to hit something to show it. That's what a favorites bar is for, quick access. They could hide everything else.I like it. Makes it more like the iPhone. No big deal.
Why do you guys like it on iPhone but dislike on iPad?
I don't really care, especially now that there is a tab view