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Yr Blues

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 14, 2008
I hope they bring the command-Q quit warning.

Sometimes I'm watching a video or I have a page up where I'm filling out a form and I accidentally command-Q quit. It gives me no warning and I have to fill out my form again or find the place in the video I'm watching where I was last.
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The link above has to be done for Every program, which is a bit annoying.
I really recommend the free software

QBlocker is a small, free menubar app for OS X that stops you from accidentally quitting an app. It works by blocking OS X's default CMD + Q keyboard shortcut and forcing you to hold to quit. You can also choose to exclude apps or let QBlocker work its magic on all apps.
Follow the instructions on this page to change the keys for quitting Safari, I've changed mine to "cntrl+cmd+Q".
This will stop the accidental quits.
You saved my life, brother (or sister)! I'm a happy camper! I'm pressing command-Q right now! No accidents!
The link above has to be done for Every program, which is a bit annoying.
I really recommend the free software
Thanks for this app. I'll use both users' helpful tips.
I hope they never put a warning there. I use Cmd+Q as a shortcut (emphasis on SHORT). I've never ever pressed it accidentally.
Some of us aren't perfect.
I have never seen a Command-Q warning for any app. What am I doing wrong? When I Command-Q, I want it to quit, period.
Personally, I agree. I have seen it for a couple of apps and it's annoying; my thought process is something like "YES, I want to quit; that's why I pressed Quit!"

I wouldn't complain about a system-wide preference for it though, and it seems that the QBlocker app listed above has filled that void.
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Personally, I agree. I have seen it for a couple of apps and it's annoying; my thought process is something like "YES, I want to quit; that's why I pressed Quit!"
I agree. That's one of my peaves about Windows...having to confirm so many things, and selecting Print only to have a subsequent popup tell me that the document was sent to the printer.
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I agree. That's one of my leaves about Windows...having to confirm so many things, and selecting Print only to have a subsequent popup tell me that the document was sent to the printer.
You should see my work PC. "You just connected a device to the headphone port." Yeah, I kinda noticed...

Meanwhile my home PC is used for a single app, which is an open-source product that gets an update pretty much every day. This means that virtually every time I open it Windows pops up and tells me that "SmartScreen" has blocked the app and am I sure I want to run it? So I went into the options and disabled SmartScreen. Two seconds later I get a "SmartScreen is disabled; click here to turn it back on" popup. o_O
IMO they should follow Chrome and add an option to enable if required. This way it's up to the user and for those who need it can simply turn it on.
IMO they should follow Chrome and add an option to enable if required. This way it's up to the user and for those who need it can simply turn it on.
Not going to happen. Apple doesn't add every option dreamt up by engineers or users. It clutters the UI--see Windows.
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