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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 18, 2017
Toronto, Canada
I ran into an issue this morning on my Mojave 10.14.6 iMac when using the address bar to search for something. At first I didn't know what happened, but then I was able to replicate the issue over and over. What happens is when I type these characters into the Safari address bar, Safari closes/crashes unexpectedly. I then re-open it and my tabs re-open but I'm prompted with the error that Safari closed unexpectedly.

The characters I typed were gt1 I meant to type GT 1030 but as soon as I type gt1 into the address bar Safari crashes. Is this limited to Safari version 14610., and Mojave, or can anyone else re-produce this? Thanks,
It works fine on Catalina 10.15.7 and Safari 14.0.3 (15610.!
Do you have any browser extensions in Safari?

What search engine are you using in Safari? If possible, change it to a different one and try typing gt1 there. The problem may be related to how the search engine provides suggestions.
Using stock safari, no extensions. I think Safari by default uses google, but I'm typing it into the address bar. If I type gt1 into google search it's fine, it's only when it's type into the address bar. I don't even get press enter, I type gt and then when I add the 1 bam, safari crashes.
I can confirm typing gt1 in safari search engine under Mojave causes it to crash. Sent message to apple.
Could be to do with Siri Suggestions - when I type gt1 it brings up Flight details (I’m not using Mojave though). Try turning off ‘Suggestions while Searching‘?
I tried to confirm your reported bug...
But, nothing happens when I enter gt1 in the address bar.
I am on Mojave, but I have a newer version of Safari 14.0.3 (14610.
Maybe that's the difference!
i am getting Japanese kanji switched from canadien english while typing on Safari Mojave macbook air 2010 without using the commands to swicth. Just happened today 9 times which is weird and quite annoying.
that’s weird because I just updated my safari about ten minutes ago to the latest 14.0.3 (14610. and safari still crashes when entering the string gt1 into the address bar. Mojave had an outstanding security update so I ran that at the same time too. My Mac is now running the latest updates for Mojave and safari.
I have the same problem:

In Safari, If I type "southern" and then a space, Safari crashes.
If I type "dl-70" and then "8", it crashes.
This happens with Google and Bing.
Safari 13.1.2

Kind of feels like I'm on a treasure hunt!

If I use Firefox, things work.
hiii i have the same problem here

i use safari with no exstentions, High Sierra 10.13.6 mac mini.
i tried your gt1 but works for me.... mine crashes everytime i try typing tk1064 (the name of some airplane my friend is on) and first accured today... never triedn before tho.
mine problem has a little detail in it ahahh well..... when i tried at first it crashed at tk1-0(when i typed 0 it crashed), after that i deleted history and restarted computer now it crashes on t-k( on k) dunno why but also everytime i somehow get thru it ( once in alround 50 times it doesnt crash, before i can type the whole name it crashes at some point.... so my guess is that there is something wrong with tk together typed one behind the other.... i can type k and after that t before and it will work just fine.... also it 100% works on private window so this is problem from normal tab. the apple support adviced me to redowload te whole OS.

have a nice day!
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