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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 9, 2008
My mom has an iMac that is running 10.8.4 with the latest version of Safari. All of the webpages I tested seem to work fine but does not display correctly. I've tested the site on my MacBook Pro and no issues. If she uses Chrome, the site displays fine.

I've tried resetting Safari but the webpage still does not display correctly. Any suggestions?
Does she have Javascript or CSS or anything like that disabled? See if she has the Develop menu item (between Bookmarks and Window) and if so, see if any of those options are checked. If not, go to Safari > Prefs > Advanced and check the Show Develop in menu bar and see if that's the case.

Also, a screenshot or explanation on what exactly isn't displaying right could significantly narrow down the problem.
Javascript is not disabled. The webpage loads very slowly and when it eventually loads, it is just jumbled text almost like CSS is not loading properly.

I'll see if I can get a screenshot tonight to post.
Here is a screenshot I took of the webpage that is not loading properly. It took a really long time for this page to load and when it finally did, this is what displayed.


  • Screen Shot 2013-09-05 at 7.56.57 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2013-09-05 at 7.56.57 PM.png
    584.7 KB · Views: 519
That's pretty strange. If you open up Develop > Show Error Console and see if it gives you any indication. I might also be inclined to report the bug to them so they can look in to it.
What's also strange is that on your picture it just says "" in the url bar. As soon as I type in into Safari, before the page even loads, I get this:

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 5.37.47 PM.png
Unfortunately I have no advice for you but I will say that I see this on a handful of websites I visit frequently, but only on my 2013 iMac. I have never noticed it on my 2019 Macbook, albeit in much more limited use. I have enough issues with Safari on the iMac not handling pages correctly that it forced me to another browser.
I'm having similar (or maybe the exact same) issue today with loading I am using a dedicated ethernet connection and have gigabit ethernet through Comcast/Xfinity. Speedtest shows fast speeds. I went into Preferences.../Privacy/Manage Website Data... and completely cleared everything and it's still happening while other websites are loading lickety-split.
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Well after updating macOS (11.2 -> 11.2.3) and clearing the security data again (Preferences.../Privacy/Manage Website Data...) it (fingers crossed) seems like it might be OK now. Interestingly, with me *only* accessing after clearing out *ALL* of my security data that "Manage Website Data..." window is showing tons of entries again already (121 of them, per my last check). All from my visiting only Is this a sign of something nefarious or is it just because of all of the ads that has on it? Should I be looking to utilizing an ad blocker?
I noticed it the most when I go to MacRumors also... it actually happens "more" often when I got to MR from another page I was reading... in other words, if I opened a new browser window and go to MR it 98% is no issue. I went back to OS Catalina and haven't had the issue "lately. Thanks for adding to this thread.
As of right now (using WiFi 5 GHz in a different room in my house with my MacBook) MR still seems to be coming up OK for me but I'm seeing this (or maybe a completely different) problem with Amazon. A few minutes ago I was doing some searching on Amazon and everything was fine. Then I did a search and the search results came back fast but none of the product images were showing. I cleared the privacy cache (mentioned previously) for Amazon, opened a new tab (per your comment) and pulled up the Amazon site fast. I needed to login again (since I had just cleared the privacy cache) and it's completely hanging just from me clicking on the "Hello, Sign in" link at the top right. I open up a new Google Chrome tab and it looks like that link is loading fine (and fast) for me, so there definitely seems to be a Safari aspect to this, but I'm pretty sure that I was seeing some of my problems yesterday with Chrome, too (and I was connected via cat 6 ethernet *directly* to my primary router - AirPort Time Capsule).

The various problems that I (and my family) are seeing may all be completely unrelated, but here's some more background on my situation:

- My MacBook Pro (MBP 16 2019) is on the latest OS (Big Sur 11.2.3) - I just updated it yesterday.
- Comcast Xfinity gigabit internet
- I own my own cable modem (I'm not next to it now, but I'm fairly certain that it's the Netgear CM1200 which supposedly supports 2000Mbps download)
- One AirPort Time Capsule (latest revision, I think...not sure how to check that) running the latest firmware 7.9.1
- Two (2) other AirPort Extreme (again, latest revision, I think) also running latest firmware, both connected via Cat5e or Cat6 (or a mix of both along the run) and with a couple of switches (gigabit capable) in between one or both of those. I don't have the details/specs on the specific switch makes/models and forget how many switches are in-between the runs, but I could track that info down easily and update my post later
- After having some even worse problems about a week ago, I recently hard-reset all of my AE's and set them all up as new, accepting most/all of the default settings (I have Wireless Security set to "WPA2 Personal" which I *think* is the default). All of my AE's are configured to broadcast their SSID, all have the Guest network enabled (with " Guest" tacked on to the end of my WiFi network name), all have a separate name for the 5GHz network (again, similar, with " 5GHZ" tacked on to the main WiFi network name), and all are using the same names as the primary network (something I've considered changing to allow me to dictate which AE each IOT device uses).
- It might also be worth mentioning that I do have two Wyze cams currently connected and in use. These use on-board storage and/or are configured to give me alerts based on movement, but I've often wondered how much bandwidth they might hog up inside my home and how much data they transmit outside of my home, even though I'm not storing full data feeds in the cloud.
- I'm pretty sure that most of my IOT devices are 2.4 GHz only.
- I'm purposely setting my iPhone and MBP to use the 5 GHz network exclusively. I haven't done this yet for my wife or daughter, but will be doing so.
- My MBP's Safari is up-to-date and I'm not currently using any extensions (I have Honey installed but disabled it a while ago).

So, some incidents of issues/oddities:

- As I think I noted previously, when I was having trouble yesterday my MBP was connected *directly* to my main AETC router. My work MBP was *also* connected via ethernet (I can't remember if it was connected to the AETC or to a switch connected to the AETC). It was VPN connected for work and appeared to be working fine in that regard (I didn't attempt to bring up the same websites, so I can't comment on that).

- Also yesterday I was having a problem with the App Store not showing images (I believe, more specifically, that it started when I clicked on the "More Extensions..." button through Safari. I did a separate web search about this problem and found a recommendation to delete the cached images (I forget the details right now about where that was stored), which seemed to fix this issue, so it may be unrelated, but I note it because it feels similar to some of the web browsing issues I sometimes see with a website loading fast but not its images or CSS info.

- Last night while eating dinner, both my wife and daughter commented that they were having similar problems with *some* websites not loading or loading extremely slowly. They seemed to indicate that it was mostly with sites that they use often.

- Earlier this morning, I was surfing the web and took a look via the AirPort Utility on my MacBook and was examining which wireless clients were connected to which AirPort Extremes. I found it interesting that a couple of devices were connected to one of the farthest AE's (in this case, I believe it was one of our Echo Spots, a Meross smartplug, and an iHome smartplug). This supports what I thought might be the case (and which I've read from some online sources) that when most (all?) of these IOT devices first power on, they'll connect to whichever WiFi connection they're able to and won't change to a better/closer one later if their current connection is still "good enough").

- At one point this morning, I brought the AirPort Utility up and it was showing my AETC (primary router) and one other router as "Device not found". Yet, my internet was working fine. Quitting the app and restarting the app (a few times) didn't seem to cause this to "refresh" and show correctly. But maybe 5 minutes later, it seemed to correct itself. I just had this happen again (this time it was showing the two extended routers as being "Device not found" and this time it seemed to refresh and show them connected pretty quickly).

After writing all of that, Amazon on Safari appears to be working fine again now.

Some other random thoughts/ideas:

- I'm strongly considering getting a Raspberry Pi and configuring it with pi-hole (or something similar) for adblocking (and whatever-else-blocking) purposes. Part of me wonders if any of that may be a factor in the issues I'm having.
- I moved into a new neighborhood and have several houses within throwing distance to me now (I was previously pretty secluded in the woods). I see about 6 other WiFi networks in the drop-down list on my MBP with at least one bar, so I don't know if interference may be an issue.
- I wonder if I may be providing too much WiFi interference of my own with the 3 AE's I have in my house. Maybe I don't need all three? Maybe I don't even need more than my primary router here? But I want to utilize 5 GHz for our MacBooks, iPhones, and Apple Watches, so having multiple AE's around the house seems like it would be necessary for optimal 5 GHz coverage.
- As I was typing this reply I was also opening up other Safari tabs to search things and was hitting some slowdown on Apple's website, too. Again (in this instance, anyway), Google Chrome returned the site quickly. So at least *some* of my issues seem to be Safari-related. After typing this reply, I'll try quitting Safari altogether and restarting it. I may also look into getting the Safari Technology Preview.

Despite my super-long post, I probably forgot about some things.
Another update: I quit Safari and restarted it and was coming up fine (not sure if it was at all related to the restart of Safari). But then choosing the Develop/Get Safari Technology Preview menu option launched a new browser tab that hung. Clearing the privacy cache seemed to fix it. But the options for downloading the preview/beta were confusing because the Safari 14.1 download references Catalina, not Big Sur. So I've held off on downloading that, and I'm now typing this reply via Chrome.

So other than the privacy concerns with Google, I know that Chrome had a reputation for being a memory and/or CPU hog, which I believe they've addressed recently (?). I downloaded Brave a while back, but haven't used it much. I also read a lot of positive comments about Firefox in this recent article/thread, so I think I'm going to give that a try:
Oh this is so frustrating. Now I'm having problems with Firefox today, too. Trying to bring up seems to clock and some thumbnail photos not showing. Amazon not showing all product images and the star rating icon isn't showing. Opening up Amazon via Chrome has similar problem and seems to not be downloading CSS info, either. And this is all after rebooting my computer 5 minutes ago. I just tried Safari and it's showing Amazon fine. So today Safari is working fine (at least in this one instance) while the others are having problems, when yesterday Firefox was working better than Safari. shows near gigabit speeds.

Earlier I tried unplugging my HooToo USB-C mini-dock w/ethernet in case something there was screwy, but I have problems on both ethernet and WiFi.

Does anyone have any ideas of what could possibly be wrong?
Well it doesn't seem like anyone here cared too much about my personal issues, but I thought I'd post back here just in case someone, at some time or another, happens upon this thread by way of a search on the internet because they are experiencing similar issues and are hoping to find a solution. If so, today may be your lucky day.

So it turns out that most/all of the issues I described in this thread were the result of me doing something which, depending on your situation, could be described as ignorant, stupid, or accidental/careless. In my specific case, I will say that it was the last one. So I recently did some ethernet running in our new-to-us home and I think that all was well at first. But somewhere along the way (soon before I started experiencing problems) I must have swapped around an ethernet cable or two and accidentally ended up with having a switch connected *between* my cable modem and my primary router (an AirPort Time Capsule).

For those unaware, this is not something you should be doing. However, what I didn't realize (obviously, or I would have corrected it days sooner) was the sort of symptoms this would present. I won't rehash what those symptoms are, as all you need to do is scroll up and read my previous posts in this thread.

After discovering the issue and correcting it, it's now been several days with things working as they should. Again, hopefully my accident, combined with my verbosity in describing it, will help someone, somewhere, at some point in time.
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