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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 9, 2010
Who knew this was possible? I have just accidentally discovered that it's possible to have split screen in Safari where one side is full screen. Or am I the last person to have worked it out? Up until now to get these two screens I had to swipe between spaces.

Who knew this was possible? I have just accidentally discovered that it's possible to have split screen in Safari where one side is full screen. Or am I the last person to have worked it out? Up until now to get these two screens I had to swipe between spaces.

I'm sure there are plenty of people that didn't know about this feature... but I've been using it since day 1 of the feature's introduction and love it!
I'm sure there are plenty of people that didn't know about this feature... but I've been using it since day 1 of the feature's introduction and love it!

That's good because I can't reproduce it. As far as my memory goes I had a Safari video playing full screen and I went up to the menu and clicked 'New Tab' and it opened as a split screen as per the screenshot in my first post. Now I can't reproduce it!!!!!, yes, that's five exclamation marks, that's how vexed I am.

Now I'm in a full screen Safari video and if I go to the menu and select new tab it opens a new tab in some other space, same with 'new window' that just opens another full screen window. I've tried both commands with various other keys, like 'option' or command' but no dice, I cannot get back what I did by accident.

I know it's possible because I've got the screenshot to prove it. So, (and this may sound rather silly and a trifle weird considering my first post), would you be so kind as to tell me where I'm going wrong. I can only assume that I did something without realising it but I don't what that was.
I'm sure there are plenty of people that didn't know about this feature... but I've been using it since day 1 of the feature's introduction and love it!
Yes I never knew that, but today I see it and it is wonderful feature, one can do 2 jobs at same time.
Yes I never knew that, but today I see it and it is wonderful feature, one can do 2 jobs at same time.

I'm sad, see my post #3, I am unable to work out how I did it. This is surreal. Now I need to ask for help.
I'm sad, see my post #3, I am unable to work out how I did it. This is surreal. Now I need to ask for help.

I recall that if you drag a tab off to the side it will split screen Safari.

Edit: Never mind. I thought the OP was asking about Safari on the iPad.
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I do not know anything about split screen 'Safari', but Mac OSX for quite some time has allowed split views. For example, open up Chrome or Safari. Then open new Window. Now you have two windows open. In one of the windows click and hold the green control near the close control in the tab bar. After about three seconds it will split to the left and you can add another open window. Then you can drag and drop the split control to adjust window's widths.

What I do not like is that it forces a fullscreen view of both windows. I would still like to have the option of seeing the menu bar across the top and the tab bars.

You can use this along with multiple desktops.
Yes I am aware of normal split screen view, but my screen shot in post #1 shows not two normal safari windows in split screen but rather a video that's running full screen along with a normal safari window in split screen. However I have since found a longer way to get that effect. That is to first open the Safari video into full screen mode using the little expand button that is often in the controls, then you enter Mission Control and drag the normal Safari window right on top of the window that's running the full screen video.

However I did not do this in the screenshot on my original post, somehow I was able to get there directly, but I don't know how I did it. But this longer way is good enough.

btw using this drop on method, you cannot see the menu bar as you ask for but you *can* see all the tabs, which you also ask for...

I do not know anything about split screen 'Safari', but Mac OSX for quite some time has allowed split views. For example, open up Chrome or Safari. Then open new Window. Now you have two windows open. In one of the windows click and hold the green control near the close control in the tab bar. After about three seconds it will split to the left and you can add another open window. Then you can drag and drop the split control to adjust window's widths.

What I do not like is that it forces a fullscreen view of both windows. I would still like to have the option of seeing the menu bar across the top and the tab bars.

You can use this along with multiple desktops.
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Who knew this was possible? I have just accidentally discovered that it's possible to have split screen in Safari where one side is full screen. Or am I the last person to have worked it out? Up until now to get these two screens I had to swipe between spaces.

This never crossed my mind. :oops:
Thanks for sharing. ;)
Yes I am aware of normal split screen view, but my screen shot in post #1 shows not two normal safari windows in split screen but rather a video that's running full screen along with a normal safari window in split screen. However I have since found a longer way to get that effect. That is to first open the Safari video into full screen mode using the little expand button that is often in the controls, then you enter Mission Control and drag the normal Safari window right on top of the window that's running the full screen video.

However I did not do this in the screenshot on my original post, somehow I was able to get there directly, but I don't know how I did it. But this longer way is good enough.

btw using this drop on method, you cannot see the menu bar as you ask for but you *can* see all the tabs, which you also ask for...

Aha! I see the difference. That IS very interesting. I'll have to mess around and see if I can reproduce the effect. Thanks for the information.
Any further on with this? I just posted a similar thread asking about this very thing.

I just rediscovered it!

OK so you have say a full screen video playing in Safari, you click on the Safari icon in the dock and select 'New Window' and wa la, split full screen video with full screen safari.
I just rediscovered it!

OK so you have say a full screen video playing in Safari, you click on the Safari icon in the dock and select 'New Window' and wa la, split full screen video with full screen safari.

I've just updated the thread I started asking whether or not it was possible for someone to develop some sort of extension that mimics how Chrome handles this...
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