I mentioned this in a different thread but it is very relevant to this thread here.
If you are upgrading your Nvidia chipset-based Mac to SSD from HDD, you should definitely be aware of the Nvidia (MCP79/89) + SSD bug. You'll at first be symptom-free for a while, then randomly you'll get the spinning beach ball of death to unreadable SSD drive and unbootable, if you choose the wrong SSD. The "wrong" SSD, as it turns out, are most SSDs. First symptom is the down-negotiating of SATA link speed to 1.5GBps (instead of the full 3.0GBps link).
Long story short, the only guaranteed combo for Nvidia chipset-based Macs is anything in the Crucial M500 series.
You can see what this guy did with his Mini and a short recount of the SSD+Nvidia chipset fiasco:
Here is one recent thread where there are still people trying Samsung SSDs with their MCP79/89 based Macs with some issues (SATA-link negotiated to 1.5GBps):
Long story short, I would not recommend trying the Samsung (any series) with these (Nvidia-chipset) Macs. Try a crucial M500 for best chances of long-term head-ache-free upgrade.