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macrumors 6502a
Aug 30, 2012
Long Island, NY
Will a low SAR affect your next mobile purchase?
Nope, I haven't seen evidence that it causes any negative impact, and if there was, there's worse sources of radiation out there.
And if I was concerned with radiation, I'd take more preventative measures than just having a phone with a low SAR.


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Nope, I haven't seen evidence that it causes any negative impact, and if there was, there's worse sources of radiation out there.
And if I was concerned with radiation, I'd take more preventative measures than just having a phone with a low SAR.

Agreed. I don't use my One as a phone very much, so a lower SAR rating isn't a big concern of mine.

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
Ive already been exposed to more radiation in my job (usually through incompetence) so those levels are negligible.

Like the time I was out on the Field working and some remtard in Air Traffic Control ignored the big red letters on the sign saying "DO NOT TURN ON". Took down that sign and turned the PAR back on, while it was pointed at me.


macrumors 6502
May 19, 2013
well, although samsung won, but it doesnt mean that other phones cause damage to your health and that's why i dont think this will affect my next phone purchase. but it's a good thing that samsung cares for our health, keep up the good work.


macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2013
i always knew samsung is using plastic because of a reason, although the metal is good to touch but that's all, plastic is env. friendly, it's strong, light, flexible and with lowest radiation. cool!:cool:


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2009
Nope, I haven't seen evidence that it causes any negative impact, and if there was, there's worse sources of radiation out there.
While I don't care about the SAR rating of a phone in the slightest, nor do I believe cell phone radiation causes health issues, I can't think of anything that gives you (and your brain) a larger does of EM than a cell phone.

That inverse square law is a bitch, and when you're holding a pretty powerful transmitter right against your head, well, you're gonna absorb some EM.
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macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
While I don't care about the SAR rating of a phone in the slightest, nor do I believe cell phone radiation causes health issues, I can't think of anything that gives you (and your brain) a larger does of EM than a cell phone.

That inverse square law is a bitch, and when you're holding a pretty powerful transmitter right against your head, well, you're gonna absorb some EM.

I saw a study that suggested a connection between cellular use and brain cancer. This was like 15 years ago. It stuck with me and to this day I rarely put a phone to my head.

Headset or speakerphone is how I make calls 90% of the time.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 30, 2012
Long Island, NY
While I don't care about the SAR rating of a phone in the slightest, nor do I believe cell phone radiation causes health issues, I can't think of anything that gives you (and your brain) a larger does of EM than a cell phone.

That inverse square law is a bitch, and when you're holding a pretty powerful transmitter right against your head, well, you're gonna absorb some EM.
I rarely make phone calls anyway, so I don't care, and if I did, I'd be pooping my pants because of all the wifi, radio, and cellular signals that are passing through me as I type. Also, radiation that gets through the ozone layer from the sun, supernovae, etc would frighten me.

But it doesn't concern me.


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2010
I have heard it (3rd hand, admittedly) from friends of friends who work for rivals to Samsung that these friends have never gotten any of Samsung's phones to pass a radiation test.

These same people are of the belief that the fact that these devices stay on the market nonetheless probably means that under-the-table payments or some kind of kickback or bribery is going on.

I don't have any evidence or proof of the above statement, nor does the person who told me... but the person who told me has worked for (and with) the company involved doing cell phone antenna design, so I imagine that there are nuggets of truth somewhere in the rumor.


macrumors 6502
Dec 6, 2012
I have heard it (3rd hand, admittedly) from friends of friends who work for rivals to Samsung that these friends have never gotten any of Samsung's phones to pass a radiation test.

These same people are of the belief that the fact that these devices stay on the market nonetheless probably means that under-the-table payments or some kind of kickback or bribery is going on.

I don't have any evidence or proof of the above statement, nor does the person who told me... but the person who told me has worked for (and with) the company involved doing cell phone antenna design, so I imagine that there are nuggets of truth somewhere in the rumor.
Oh brother :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2010
Oh brother :rolleyes:

What do you want me to say? I dont want to call out the company name because they are local and everyone in the world has heard of this particular company.

Basically, I don't want something that I was told in confidence blowing back and causing problems.

If its easier for you to disregard the rumor, then feel free to do that.


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2010
Oh brother :rolleyes:

What do you want me to say? I dont want to call out the company name because they are local and everyone in the world has heard of this particular company.

Basically, I don't want something that I was told in confidence blowing back and causing problems.

If its easier for you to disregard the rumor, then feel free to do that.

Hmmm, vindication


macrumors 603
Dec 8, 2011
East Central Florida
I thought iphones had higher SAR because they seem to get a little bit better reception than samsung, at least in my experience. motorola also tends to have a higher sar, again moto is known for great reception

don't know that I'd call that article vindication, they don't claim samsung is failing radiation testing


macrumors P6
I thought iphones had higher SAR because they seem to get a little bit better reception than samsung, at least in my experience. motorola also tends to have a higher sar, again moto is known for great reception

Mostly unrelated.

SAR is about how much energy is being transmitted from the phone into your body.

Reception is about picking up cell tower transmissions.

The only relationship is that a device with higher SAR might also have higher output and thus be able to stay connected to a tower further away.

As someone who's phone is always in my jeans pocket, my testes would probably be happier if I had an S3 :p

Actually, yes. If you plan to have children, don't keep your phone in your pants pocket.

SAR ratings are about heating up tissue, like a microwave oven, and it's proven that heating up testes lowers fertility. Cell phones are a known culprit.


macrumors P6
Really? It's been proven that cell phones heat up testes?

Cell phones heat up any soft wet tissue.

That's what SAR ratings are all about. Specific Absorption Rate = amount of RF energy absorbed by the body.

Fortunately, the bone in our skulls acts as a great barrier. Except for jaw and ear openings, of course.

Testes have no such protection.
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macrumors G4
Oct 24, 2014
So, that's why cheap birth control by phone isn't working since my Note II is listed on top. Disappointed Samsung.
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macrumors P6
What about Bluetooth? Is that any danger? That's always by your face...

The good news is that Bluetooth headsets radiate one or even two orders of magnitude less energy than a phone. Which makes them pretty darned safe, I'd say.


As for a phone by a man's genitals, apparently it only takes a one degree C rise in testes temperature to begin to affect fertility. Between 2-2.5C is enough to be used as a pretty good contraceptive. (Lots of sperm are still produced, but they don't act quite right, due to the heat.)

A phone in a pocket that is talking (constantly emitting) the max allowed SAR rating of 1.6 watts per kg of tissue, could take as little as two hours to heat nearby tissue up by one degree C.

A side interesting fact is that MRI machines are limited by SAR tests as well, and are supposed to limit heating of any part of the body to one degree C during a scan.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2010
A very late update to my comments above. I recently met someone who worked as a lobbyist for one of the big 4 US cell phone companies for many years (he has since left the industry) and we got to talking about the industry and some of the changes it had seen.

I mentioned the information I had been given about Samsung fudging their radiation test levels and he told that not only was it 100% true, but that some of his colleagues at the FCC had told him about far more egregious violations by various companies where the regulatory agencies looked the other way for political or financial reasons.

I thought iphones had higher SAR because they seem to get a little bit better reception than samsung, at least in my experience. motorola also tends to have a higher sar, again moto is known for great reception

don't know that I'd call that article vindication, they don't claim samsung is failing radiation testing
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macrumors 68040
Aug 1, 2009
i always knew samsung is using plastic because of a reason, although the metal is good to touch but that's all, plastic is env. friendly, it's strong, light, flexible and with lowest radiation. cool!:cool:

Plastic is environmentally friendly ?

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