Hello I recently upgraded the firmware on my 840 Pro 256 SSD, running in my MBP late 2011 17" Its 4yrs old. Most of that time 3rd party "Trim Enabler" has been used. Since upgrading to High Sierra 10.13.4 in Jan 2018 According to Blackmagic app I am now getting
440 write and 510 read? It takes 20 secs to boot. No Trim enabled
I also have an external 850 EVO 500gig via Thunderbolt 1 port. The drive is 18month old. Same Blackmagic test.
285 write 383 read No Trim enabled
What speeds should one get? Of cause the "Trim" debate goes on "speed v long jeopardy
440 write and 510 read? It takes 20 secs to boot. No Trim enabled
I also have an external 850 EVO 500gig via Thunderbolt 1 port. The drive is 18month old. Same Blackmagic test.
285 write 383 read No Trim enabled
What speeds should one get? Of cause the "Trim" debate goes on "speed v long jeopardy