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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 24, 2007
I have been scouring the info available for the new Series 4 watch and I can't seem to find any info on the front display material for the Aluminum vs the SS models. Does the aluminum model still come with the non-Sapphire display like on previous models?
I have been scouring the info available for the new Series 4 watch ...
No you haven't.

Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at 5.23.20 PM.png
According to Apple‘s own page it’s still only Ion-X on the aluminum version.
Is Ion-X really easy to scratch? I've only had SS models and screen looks perfect but this time thinking of just going with aluminum model to save some bucks.
How did I miss that? I even went through the "Compare Models" page where I would think I would see that info.
Is Ion-X really easy to scratch? I've only had SS models and screen looks perfect but this time thinking of just going with aluminum model to save some bucks.

Same here. I have had a SS Series 0 and Series 3. I have no need for the Cellular feature. I could live with the non-SS casing, but I always preferred the Sapphire front. I may just think about going to an aluminum 44 this time around.
I don't have any scratches on my S3 aluminum and I am kinda surprised... I throw it around when charging.
I don't have any scratches on my S3 aluminum and I am kinda surprised... I throw it around when charging.

You just convinced me to get aluminum now, and kind of looking forward to the lightweight. Sometime I do notice the watch weight with SS.
Is Ion-X really easy to scratch? I've only had SS models and screen looks perfect but this time thinking of just going with aluminum model to save some bucks.
Not really. I bang my aluminum S3 on stuff all the time, I've dropped it on the bathroom floor a few times when I take it off to shower and even wore it during a Rugged Maniac (similar to Tough Mudder). It's almost a year old and the screen still looks perfect.
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You just convinced me to get aluminum now, and kind of looking forward to the lightweight. Sometime I do notice the watch weight with SS.
I've got the S2 aluminum and my screen is scratched AF. I've got no choice but to go with the SS S4 just for the sapphire crystal. I'm not intentionally trying to scratch my S2 - but I'm handy and have scratched it doing home projects. Was honestly a bit disappointed but the S2 has worked very well and maybe I'm just a neanderthal when it comes to watch wearing...
You just convinced me to get aluminum now, and kind of looking forward to the lightweight. Sometime I do notice the watch weight with SS.
I wasn’t going to upgrade this year. But Apple is giving $250 for my SS S3 LTE. So I’m going with Aluminum LTE one this year. Since the backs are all the same now only difference is the body and top glass. If I need to wear something fancy I have some pretty expensive watches to swap it out with.
Yeah, I'm disappointed that in order to get the Sapphire glass I have to get the cellular model now, which I cannot even use because my carrier does not support it, and likely will never support it, because it's the discount brand of the main carrier, and I've got too sweet of a plan to change it for the sake of the Apple Watch. I'd have to pay $60-70 more/month.

I've had Series 0 and Series 3 Sport/Aluminum, and I've scratched both screens, without any extreme activities.

I think I'll just stick to the Sport S4, I cannot justify the $450+ price premium for the SS+Cellular in Canada after taxes.
Im in the same boat as everyone else, I have had a SS model with Saphire since day one, not a scratch - although the stainless steel has a ton of fine scratches. I can't justify paying $300 more for the Series 4 SS with Cellular, which I will never use. I am debating just adding Apple Care $79 onto the Series 4 sport, this way if I ever scratch it real bad, I can have the screen replaced, not sure how much that is though.
It makes sense that they continued to offer Ion-X glass on aluminum models, sapphire on stainless steel models.

Other than cost, there are pros and cons to consider. I remember a report from a while back about the display being dimmer when filtered through the sapphire cover glass. Also, FWIW after 2 years of daily wear, my Ion-X watch face is scratch-free, though the gold aluminum case has a few scrapes.
It makes sense that they continued to offer Ion-X glass on aluminum models, sapphire on stainless steel models.

Other than cost, there are pros and cons to consider. I remember a report from a while back about the display being dimmer when filtered through the sapphire cover glass. Also, FWIW after 2 years of daily wear, my Ion-X watch face is scratch-free, though the gold aluminum case has a few scrapes.

I can attest to the display being dimmer, I originally bought an Aluminum S3, then decided to return it for a SSSB version; when I first put it on I noticed the display was dimmer immediately. Of course I got used to it in a day or two, but the Ion-X is definitely brighter.
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Is Ion-X really easy to scratch?
Anecdotal, but I'd say no. And I have the oldest, OG Watch, and mine only has a few insignificant tiny scratches that don't even show up normally unless I go looking for them. I haven't babied this thing, never used a bumper on it or a screen protector (I find it a stupid idea honestly. Such a nicely designed gadget, only to hide it away inside a condom? Ugh...)

Just like...treat it with respect, don't be actively careless and indifferent, you'll be fine, most likely. Barring random accidents, naturally.
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Is Ion-X really easy to scratch? I've only had SS models and screen looks perfect but this time thinking of just going with aluminum model to save some bucks.

Yea it is about as soft as butter. I tried to go aluminum on the 3 and it was scratched like crazy after three days of usage. One scratch happened after lightly brushing it against a sheetrock wall. I switched back to sapphire.

I do not consider a glass watch face a viable option for me.
I owned both the aluminum and stainless models over the years. The aluminum model is fairly durable With the ion-X Glass, but it doesn’t even compare to the protection from the Sapphire display. I would say the Ion – X glass is fairly durable, but in terms of actually being almost scratch resistant, the Sapphire display with my stainless watches were in pristine condition, compared to where my aluminum Apple Watch did have some light scratches on the screen, but still it really depends on one’s usage.

If someone was paranoid of scratches, then I would not opt for the aluminum model or apply a screen protector, but if you can justify the price, The stainless with the sapphire display is excellent.
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