After all the hair-pulling, teeth-clenching, wall-punching problems I've experienced with iTunes and the Podcasts app, I am thrilled that I discovered Overcast, a much better podcast player from Overcast, LLP.
I love the variable playback speed, the non-synching with hideous iTunes, and the ability to create multiple playlists. BTW, I am not the developer nor do I have anything to do with this company. It's just the first time I've been impelled by sheer awesomeness to sing praises about an app. That, and the coffee.
I love the variable playback speed, the non-synching with hideous iTunes, and the ability to create multiple playlists. BTW, I am not the developer nor do I have anything to do with this company. It's just the first time I've been impelled by sheer awesomeness to sing praises about an app. That, and the coffee.