How do I toggle Scroll Lock off on a MacBook?
Running MS Excell for mac 2004, and Scroll Lock is permanently on. It wasnt when I bought it, so somehow it has been toggled on, but I cant find out how.
Suggestions I've had are
F14 (No F14 on a MacBook)
Fn & F1 (doesnt work)
Shift and Clear (No Clear on a MAcbook)
seems to be nothing in either Mac or Excell documentation and it's driving me a bit uts.
Running OS 10.5.4 on an Intel MacBook
Running MS Excell for mac 2004, and Scroll Lock is permanently on. It wasnt when I bought it, so somehow it has been toggled on, but I cant find out how.
Suggestions I've had are
F14 (No F14 on a MacBook)
Fn & F1 (doesnt work)
Shift and Clear (No Clear on a MAcbook)
seems to be nothing in either Mac or Excell documentation and it's driving me a bit uts.
Running OS 10.5.4 on an Intel MacBook