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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006
I have new smart card device for an older computer that requires the use
of a 2GB SD card formatted to FAT 16.

I know booting into Bootcamp would or should do the task but was wondering if
there was an easy way to do this under OSX ?


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Could I format a 64GB+ microSD card (exFAT) to FAT/FAT32 using disk utility? This is to use with a dash cam that is limited to 32GB and under.
You can use Disk Utility to format to FAT32, but not the older FAT16. You would need to use the Terminal process I linked to format to FAT16.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2012
You can use Disk Utility to format to FAT32, but not the older FAT16. You would need to use the Terminal process I linked to format to FAT16.

MS DOS FAT is FAT32, correct? I wanted to know if disk utility will even give me the FAT32 format option instead of only exFAT for 64GB+ cards.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2015
Key West FL
tried that, It gives you no choices other than just to format the card/device.

Did you test the card after formatting it?

the SD Association's spec for SD (actually SDSC) cards is that those between 32mb and 2gb use FAT-16b format. SDHC use FAT-32 and SDXC use exFAT by default, though other formats are supported by some devices and OSs. I would expect the SD Assoc's formatter to use FAT-16b when it senses that the card is an SDSC card.
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