I was thinking about it, but after reading about the improvements, and the fact that I currently have the 128gb SE 2020, which means I would need to spend even more for not much better performance, camera upgrades, etc. I'm not sure I can justify it. I was hoping the new base model would be 128gb.
I compared Geekbench of iPhone SE 2020 to the iPhone 13, and the differences are not groundbreaking, so I'm not surprised they used the iPhone 8 as their baseline to make it seem like some huge upgrade.
My SE 2020 does everything I need and is still snappy. I use it with the iPhone 7 Smart Battery Case, so that results in awesome battery life even though the itnernal battery is at 85% health. I also have a brand new, in box, spare iPhone 7 Smart Battery Case, so now I'm leaning towards getting the internal battery replaced at my local Apple store for $49 and busting out the space battery. Together, it would feel like a new phone battery wise and, functionally, should last another couple of years.