I've currently got a Samsung P2770 that I use next to my retina iMac...it looks lame compared to the retina display and I toy with the idea of replacing it with an Apple branded monitor...BUT, I don't like the looks of the Apple monitors. They lack the large aluminum logo band area at the bottom of the display like the iMacs have. So, I've wondered if anyone ever purchased a second iMac (non retina) to use as a secondary monitor only?
Seems like it might be an interesting refurb industry to take non-working iMacs and turn them into monitors only for folks like me who want such a monitor to match the iMac.
Seems like Apple should make an iMac option available as a "display only" device and sell it without all the computer guts in it for a much cheaper price. Heck, it wouldn't really even need a graphics card, would it?
Seems like it might be an interesting refurb industry to take non-working iMacs and turn them into monitors only for folks like me who want such a monitor to match the iMac.
Seems like Apple should make an iMac option available as a "display only" device and sell it without all the computer guts in it for a much cheaper price. Heck, it wouldn't really even need a graphics card, would it?