Hi - I have a MacBook Pro 2016 with 2 x thunderbolt 3 inputs ... returning to music production and need to extend the type and number of inputs ... bought a Focusrite claret 2 and want to link up midi keys and maybe a larger screen at some point so figuring out what best hub/dock/adaptations I should buy and they are expensive ... seeing as my needs are musical and I won't require most of the varying inputs but will need to increase thunderbolt 3 x 2 ideally and USB A for existing midi keys ... any suggestions on which gear works well and is reasonably priced? I've been looking at numerous solutions such as PLugable, Caldigit etc but these are expensive! I have bought a thunderbolt 2 to TB 3 adapter for use with my Focusrite and hence this is 1 of 2 inputs being used already !