Most reasonable people wouldn’t be caught dead with a selfie stick these days
Well, I really mean it. Selfie sticks are a scourge that, thankfully, are being banned in more and more places.
Well, I really mean it. Selfie sticks are a scourge that, thankfully, are being banned in more and more places.
Just because it’s called a selfie stick doesn’t mean the use is always for selfies. In cinematography an extension rod can aliveate the impact of bob when walking with a camera and recording video. It’s useful for getting low tracking shots and passing the camera through objects.
Now, that, I agree with. I'm speaking of cheap selfie sticks that tourists use and muck up just about every vantage point for a photo for anything attractive out there.
No, my impulse was to make the user think twice about a selfie stick. Big difference! But thanks for the admonishment.
The fact that any reasonably nice place BANS the damn things speaks for itself.
Where are selfie sticks banned? Maybe I don't get out enough or visit those types of places but I see people with them. I'm in Japan right now and I see people with them, local and tourists alike.
I came in to this thread to say exactly this!Most reasonable people wouldn’t be caught dead with a selfie stick these days
they are pretty popular in Asia. You know, home to some 4 billion people.They're still a thing??
Selfie sticks are great if by yourself. Handing over a £1000 phone to a complete stranger when wanting a photo of yourself is very risky. They also good for self-portraits and can double up as tripods. Of course they have limitations and can be annoying if not used right or incorrect place.
Just got one! I am going through a pre-cancer skin treatment with a cream I have to apply. I wanted to see my bald spot and the back of my neck, couldn't for the life of me use the mirror to position the iPhone. Found a nice one in a independent camera store for $20 made by ProMaster. Versatile adjustments and removable ball swivel.
Yeah. My fiance is Asiannot too big where she's from.
I’m glad you found a preactival solution to ease your medical condition.
Too much sun over my 70 years, this is kind of a preventative treatment in that the cream only attacks pre-canerous cells. Don't intend to use the stick in public, but really is well made for $20!!
Word of warning to all you youngsters not to get burned!
Selfie sticks are great if by yourself. Handing over a £1000 phone to a complete stranger when wanting a photo of yourself is very risky. They also good for self-portraits and can double up as tripods. Of course they have limitations and can be annoying if not used right or incorrect place.
I don't have a problem handing over my phone to a complete stranger to take my picture. I've done it since my first camera, did it when digital cameras where first coming out, did it with my $2000 DSLR (at the time) and do it with my iPhone X. I would much rather have someone else take the pic for me then trying to do it myself, one handed. Also I'm a pretty decent runner and a Marine. If someone wants my phone they better be prepared to get their butt whooped.