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macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
You be the judge. But basically, this is what I am always talking about here. If it's got an Apple logo on it, people just do not check - seller or buyer.

1) 250GB / 4GB RAM / Lion OS /2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo

2). A1211 / 120 GB / 2GB RAM / Snow Leopard OS / Core 2

$95 for one, $150 for both.

You be the judge. But basically, this is what I am always talking about here. If it's got an Apple logo on it, people just do not check - seller or buyer.

1) 250GB / 4GB RAM / Lion OS /2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo

2). A1211 / 120 GB / 2GB RAM / Snow Leopard OS / Core 2

$95 for one, $150 for both.

It would've been amusing to ask the seller to explain why neither of these PowerBook G4's could run Intel Mac software. :D

It would've been amusing to ask the seller to explain why neither of these PowerBook G4's could run Intel Mac software. :D

Yeah, personally I'm betting the seller is trying to capitalize on the iPhone 15. Probably betting that buyers have no clue that there is no such thing as a 'Titanium MacBook Pro'. Of course the price point looks like a killer deal for an uninformed buyer.

Seller makes a quick $100-200 and gets rid of two obsolete Macs. Ghosts the buyer.

This stuff really burns me up.
Yeah, personally I'm betting the seller is trying to capitalize on the iPhone 15. Probably betting that buyers have no clue that there is no such thing as a 'Titanium MacBook Pro'. Of course the price point looks like a killer deal for an uninformed buyer.

Seller makes a quick $100-200 and gets rid of two obsolete Macs. Ghosts the buyer.

This stuff really burns me up.

I feel your rage, particularly as I've been on the receiving end of similar shadiness but people like that play a very dangerous game because all it takes is for them to come across the wrong person who won't just chalk it off to experience and will confront them: mob handed. I have a relative who has no qualms about such measures.
Weird... I would think a working Titanium PowerBook G4 would sell for more than an early Intel MBP at this time.

What’s the point of listing fake specs like that? o_O
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What’s the point of listing fake specs like that? o_O

They think that they're the smartest people on the planet and won't be caught or found out (not till it's too late anyway.) In the mid 2000s, I visited a Sunday market and spotted a 90s PowerBook and spoke to the trader about it. He immediately attempted to persuade me that the machine could be used to run the latest Mac software and was capable of a variety of high-end tasks. I shut this nonsense down by informing him that I know about computers and that he should stop lying.

In a response that revealed a great deal about his personality (and morality), he ventured that I "could always sell it to someone who doesn't know much about computers."
What’s the point of listing fake specs like that? o_O
It's craigslist…

How do I explain craigslist…well, basically it's online Classifieds. It's free, you pay nothing to post your ad - whatever it is you're looking for or wanting to get rid of.

In general it's a good site. I've picked up a dryer through craigslist, a few computers and my first 30" Cinema Display. You can also find jobs or gigs on there. The point is that whomever is posting an ad doesn't have to pay anything for it. Details are as anonymous as you want them to be.

You contact them, meet up, money is exchanged and you go home with something. It's ripe for abuse of course and this is a particular case. No idea how the seller came by the PowerBooks, but they're (IMO) looking to make a quick buck off them and the anonymous nature of craigslist means you can't find them afterwards. They're hoping that with the Titanium iPhone 15 out right now that someone will bite. The fact that the price is so low tells me they know these are NOT MBPs.

Or…if we are going to be generous, the seller doesn't know how to use craigslist and posted some rando picture. In that case, you'd get what they are advertising. But again, I think not. The fact that the photo is a Titanium PowerBook tells me they know what they're doing.

Just someone looking to flip two old PowerBooks quickly I think - however it is they acquired them.
I see... a quick search on DuckDuckGo for “titanium macbook pro” brings up that very photo on page 1 of images, along with one of my own photos from the forum here.

So probably someone clueless with stolen goods...
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