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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 20, 2010
We have an iPhone 6 and a 5s to sell...what is the popular safest selling place now a days? Thank you!


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
I live near an Apple Store and I've always offered to meet at the store, or in the mall of said store. I've had s person ask if they could go in the stir (with me) and confirm serials and all that with an apple employee. I was happy to oblige and so was the Apple employee.

The more transparent you are in your posting on where you will meet, I find, the less BS offers you get, too.

I haven't sold s phone since the 5s, so it's been about two years, but I can't imagine much has changed. I do find that after the new phone release the market becomes so saturated now that I stand to make something like $50 over just trading the phone in to Apple or a carrier.that said apparently trade values have come down this year so that may have changed some.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2014
The Apple Store
Swappa. Looking to purchase a 6s Plus from there now. Purchased a Moto 360v2 and it was seamless. Now I'm looking to sell my 360v2 using there.


macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2010
Swappa. Have had great success there. There's a $10 seller fee, 3% paypal fee for accepting the buyers payment, and then shipping costs.

You'd make more profit selling on Craigslist, but I dont want to have to meet someone in public. It's not worth my time.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 12, 2011
Swappa. Have had great success there. There's a $10 seller fee, 3% paypal fee for accepting the buyers payment, and then shipping costs.

You'd make more profit selling on Craigslist, but I dont want to have to meet someone in public. It's not worth my time.
I've gone so far as to put the formula together in Excel where I enter what I want to pocket on the sale and it gives me the sell price accounting for Swappa's feed and PayPal's.


macrumors member
Apr 19, 2015
I've never had any luck on swappa, but I've sold two phone's successfully on Amazon and quite a few on Craigslist. You do have to pay fees on Amazon, but phones seem to go for more on Amazon than any other method (Ebay, Craigslist, Swappa) Craigslist offers more convenience and the process is much faster. The best way I've found is to post on multiple places and see what sells first!


macrumors 68000
Oct 25, 2007
I would say Craigslist or Offer UP. I just sold a iPhone 6 Plus 128gb, Carrier Verizon for 480.00.


macrumors 604
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
In order of preference:

1. People I know. Safest, quickest, no fees.
2. Swappa. Safe, relatively easy.
3. Craigslist. No fees but be smart about who and where you meet.
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