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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 25, 2012
Would anyone have reservations of selling a 3k macbook laptop on ebay? Seems like some inherent risk given the high dollar amount. Although I would consider craigslist certainly riskier. Is there a better forum than ebay for this sort of sale?
ebay is scam, sry, but paying 12% from sale price just for be able to sell it...
try first maybe some local facebook market sale with no fee
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I have sold Apple gear on ebay and it's hit or miss in terms of the experience. In recent years, I stopped using ebay for anything other than low-dollar stuff like a base Apple watch or Apple TV. The issue I ran into is freight forwarders who buy Apple gear and immediately ship it out of the country. I won't detail all the problems; suffice it to say there are risks. On the flip side, I've sold many times to Mac of All Trades and You can quickly get a price for what you're selling on their websites and comparison shop. If you go ahead, they send you a prepaid shipping label and there's basically no risk. Yes, you can get higher $$ on ebay, but by the time you pay the fees and put up with the scammers and ridiculous questions, for me, it's just not worth the difference.
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+1 for Swappa. Start there first, there are no fees until your item sells. If you don’t get any bites then you can look other places.
ebay is scam, sry, but paying 12% from sale price just for be able to sell it...on my page
try first maybe some local facebook market sale with no fee
Yes, they charge a fee. But I get a WORLDWIDE marketplace. Items that are in demand get bids from all over the world and sell for far more then you would get on Craigslist. eBay has a way to search for what items recently sold for. Check that before you list to see if eBay selling prices are good.
Over the years, Ebay has become increasingly buyer-friendly, to the point where sellers are at risk of legitimate buyer scams, where Ebay's "err on the side of buyers" policy can burn them.

The risks are really around buyers claiming the item either didn't arrive (even when tracked and showing delivered, claiming that it stolen from their porch, etc.), or "item not as described", shenanigans around returning an item that was different than what you sent, etc.

If you do go Ebay, and you don't use the platform very much, I would suggest the below to minimize your risks. You can't eliminate risks, but this can help:
- Only accept bids from buyers with reasonable buyer feedback (yes you limit your buyer pool this way, and could miss out on legitimate "newer Ebay buyers"). Note, if I recall, sellers can't leave buyer feedback anymore, so even this has minimal value, but at least it's something
- If you want to ship globally, use Ebay's "Global Shipping Program". Basically you ship your device to one of Ebay's GSP locations, and then your responsibility ends. Ebay deals with getting it to the buyer, and any back and forth with buyer around shipping delays, damages, etc.
- Video yourself packing the MBP (showing the camera the actual MBP at the beginning) into the box and all the way through to the final package that will be shipped, taped up, etc. This can help prove the item was in the box, and how you packed into the box, if you get into an unfortunate situation of buyer dispute
- Ship tracked with signature required (although I think recently, because of COVID, I believe deliveries haven't enforced this, not 100% sure)
+1 for Swappa. Start there first, there are no fees until your item sells. If you don’t get any bites then you can look other places.

I highly recommend this approach. I tend to stay far away from eBay, especially when it comes to high priced items. I've had a lot of success on Swappa with no significant issues.
Rather than mess with the back and forth I have sold my last few MBPs to MacOfAllTrades. The price was OK, they send you a shipping box, pay for shipping, and the payment was very fast. My time is valuable and I don't want to waste it with eBay buyers/whiners.
By chance is anyone familiar with the seller fees on eBay? There’s no way they’d take more than 10% right?
from my personal selling buying experience these past 3 years

Ebay is hit of miss, a nice percentage of buyers can be satisfied,
but some might want more or a reduction after a misunderstanding.
eBay does receive a fee, so include that in the price as everyone does!

 computers have an advantage because they are in demand,
but they need to met the guyers exact needs and expectations.
and extra blemish of an ounce of false info can lead to problems.

craigslist  buyers are informed and know the price were they wont talk one down
compared to other products like fish tanks for snow boards.

good luck
and hope everyone can get their  product at a fair price.
this selling system can be better than someone getting a new  product
and the planet might like that as well
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