Would anyone have reservations of selling a 3k macbook laptop on ebay? Seems like some inherent risk given the high dollar amount. Although I would consider craigslist certainly riskier. Is there a better forum than ebay for this sort of sale?
Yes, they charge a fee. But I get a WORLDWIDE marketplace. Items that are in demand get bids from all over the world and sell for far more then you would get on Craigslist. eBay has a way to search for what items recently sold for. Check that before you list to see if eBay selling prices are good.ebay is scam, sry, but paying 12% from sale price just for be able to sell it...on my page
try first maybe some local facebook market sale with no fee
+1 for Swappa. Start there first, there are no fees until your item sells. If you don’t get any bites then you can look other places.
Beware of Swappa.Swappa.com
eBay is too risky for selling MacBooks but is less risky for buying themebay is scam, sry, but paying 12% from sale price just for be able to sell it...on my page
try first maybe some local facebook market sale with no fee