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macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
Sen. Warren is one if the key people who wants total socialism and to control every company. She doesn't believe in capitalism at all. The government does so well with everything that letting them rule companies ...


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I think Sen Warren's thoughts are a bit over the top however it is a decent point.
I don’t think it’s a decent point. She is anti-big tech.
The ability to link my phone/device to my vehicle is a good thing.
To have that company become my dash or the software controlling my vehicle is another.
It’s something I would want-especially if it’s apple.
Something for the "auto makers develop ..." posters, one of the most common questions buyers have is "Will this use ..." for their new car/truck/suv.
Don’t really care.


macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2008
As long as Warren makes sure all cars have USB-C ports, also... Let's focus on the really important things impacting peoples' lives, right?
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2004
It’s not about the vehicle, it’s about every Toyota, Honda and Ford having an “Apple or Google dashboard.”

And, here I am, just wanting non-LCD, non-touch... switches, buttons, and dials... No additional useless crap that adds more weight, more cost to repair/maintain, and more future e-waste to a car...



Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
I'm all for every developer having a chance.

The world and each country probably need safety groups to monitor how car electronics can be used positively or negatively. Safety is important.

The U.S. government should already look at the failures of Tesla as an example of what they need to evaluate for future generations of control systems. If a company has complete control, shouldn't it be better than having a third party interfacing with the vehicle's systems?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2010
Orlando, FL
Here’s something I just thought of. It seems like nowadays there are whole groups of people that don’t like how much easier the iTunes music store and then the AppStore made things for everyday users like me.

Apple built better mousetraps and should reap the bounty of their harvest.

Meanwhile there are industries and regulators that saw what Apple did and don’t want them to replicate that in other areas, no matter how much better it makes things for the average consumer.

Soooo glad I don’t have to buy a whole CD just to get one song, or use Ford SYNC any longer.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 7, 2012
Some good points here -- as Big Tech ventures into other areas, there is enormous potential for the misuse of consumer data. I suspect Apple is much better at protecting this than its competition, but it makes sense to have regulatory attention here. If anything, this ultimately is likely to be advantageous to Apple, as other companies may be held to a tighter standard than they would be if left to their own approach.
Yes. There is a point to the concern of the senator, but as always this is a complex issue. You want standards, you want safety, you need scale, interoperability, and you need an insane amount of data, machine learning, programmers, etc etc. Not many companies can pull this off. (Ab) use of all that sensitive data for commercial (and nefarious) purposes is something that needs rigorous regulation and oversight.

You want privacy? Don’t leave it to industry… even Apple needs oversight. Oh and let’s not forget oversight of governments, and law enforcement. They want a piece of that data pie too.

Well, that’s my opinion anyway 😊


macrumors 6502a
Dec 16, 2020
Without specific legislation to give the FTC the power to regulate this specifically, this isn't going anywhere. There have been hundreds of companies working in this space for decades without making much of any advancement in consumer-facing tech. If companies like Apple and Google can come in and deliver something compelling then that is a win for consumers which is what Warren should be encouraging rather than trying to protect some entrenched businesses that up until this point have only managed to shuffle buttons and knobs around, and rearrange colored LED lights on their displays every few years.


macrumors 601
Jun 9, 2021
Without specific legislation to give the FTC the power to regulate this specifically, this isn't going anywhere. There have been hundreds of companies working in this space for decades without making much of any advancement in consumer-facing tech. If companies like Apple and Google can come in and deliver something compelling then that is a win for consumers which is what Warren should be encouraging rather than trying to protect some entrenched businesses that up until this point have only managed to shuffle buttons and knobs around, and rearrange colored LED lights on their displays every few years.

Exactly. Nothing stopping the experienced and nearly hundred year old car makers from making cars. The car makers are just as exploitative and cronies with the government as much as big tech if not moreso.

As far as anyone can tell Apple and Google just want to make the interface. May as well let them, the carmakers are not good at it and know it and don’t care.
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